Sales post (revamped)

Jun 06, 2013 14:59

I got rid of maybe half of the JE/Japanese actor magazines I'd stashed away and thought I'd take new pictures and everything. I sorted them by group this time, so hopefully someone will, say, take all the Arashi stuff off my hands at once. :) I also have some (English) manga available.

(click for larger view)

Magazines are about $5 each, except for Toma's, which I will sell for $35 along with his cutouts (the cheapest copy I saw on ebay was $65 for just the magazine). I don't have a set price for posters/pullouts, etc., but will sell them for cheap when combined with magazines. Some magazines have their pullouts, some don't. I can probably check for you if you are interested. TOKIO, Eito, and Tsuyoshi's photobook are all gone, so this is what's left.

These are all in perfect condition, originally priced $8-12 and read 0-1 time. I figured I'd sell them for about $5 each, with a discount for multiple purchases.

I accept cash and paypal, and maybe personal checks if you really need it, and will ship anywhere (from the US) at your expense.


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