Title: The Big Bad Wolf
Author/Artist: Yours truly,
ohkei Disclaimer: I own nothing. >.<
Rating/s: K+, according to FFnet. :D
Notes: This ficcie is a birthday gift to An-chan, who incidentally has two birthdays, March 21st and June 28th. I'm not really sure which one's which but since I wasn't able give something last March, I decided to post this thing up
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Comments 4
I believe An's birthday is at June 28th, I'm not sure, but her zodiac seems more to be Cancer then Aries, cause Cancer, people are very connected to the family. Well, I'm just guessing XD and I believe in those kind of things, lol ^//^
I loved the fic! I wish I could write one, but my Enlgish is not very fluent to write a fic without many mistakes...
I'm sure you could write, and if you don't trust your grammar well you could ask for a beta-reader/editor. 8D;;
Thank youuuu ;A;.
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