Title: Yabeki
Author: Ohimechan & Aiko
Pairing: Jin/Kazuya, Tomohisa/Kazuya, Ryo/Uchi, Shige/Koyama
Characters: X Group: Nishikido Ryo, Yamashita Tomohisa, Koyama Keiichiro, Kato Shigeaki. Y Group: Akanishi Jin, Kamenashi Kazuya, Tanaka Koki, Nakamaru Yuichi. Still in no group: Kusano Hironori.
General Disclaimer and stuff.Genre:
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Comments 5
They are so adorable and cute together. I hope they wouldn't really end up like Romeo and Juliet!!
It would be nice if Tomohisa apologises for not kissing Kazuya before leaving for school, ne~? He could make it up now!!
During the day they are in a very awkward situation.
What if they pick the habit of sleeping together at night? *grins*
Eh, eh I'm so addicted to this forbidden relationship!!
Thanks a lot for writing such a nice chapter, I can't wait for the following one! (~3~) *chu*
I can't wait to read the next chapter. ^^
ganbantte ne..
sore ja..
first of all thank you for adding me xD i'm enjoying yor story and rly happy to read many chapters xD
i sooo like Tomohisa x Kazuya relationship in your fic xD i usually like Akame much, but your Jin definitely doesn't deserve your Kazuya and Pi is very sweet ^^ *wishes Pikame happy ending* xDxDxD
can't wait for the next chapter xD
Jin never said I like you to Kame?!!! ahdsjhdajfhajkf...
what was that? arrrghhh... i'm crying... really... i feel really bad for Kame...omg.. years being in a relationship and not even a single utter of i like you? :'(
Kame definitely deserves someone better... Pi to be exact... ♥
i'm just too sad now... omg...
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