Title: Yabeki
Author: Ohimechan & Aiko
Pairing: Jin/Kazuya, Tomohisa/Kazuya, Ryo/Uchi & Shige/Koyama
Characters: X Group: Nishikido Ryo, Yamashita Tomohisa, Koyama Keiichiro, Kato Shigeaki. Y Group: Akanishi Jin, Kamenashi Kazuya, Tanaka Koki, Nakamaru Yuichi. Still in no group: Kusano Hironori.
General Disclaimer and stuff.Genre:
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Comments 6
I'm LOVING the Koyato action but Shige is worrying me a little. I thought at first he was really rushing things but once Kei seemed happy with the kissing I relaxed. Then Shige got all sweet and nice and I was fine. Then in the hotel! O_o I have no idea what this Shige is planning XDD
Can't wait for the next chapter ^o^
Koyama looks like a defenseless kitty and Shige so resolute!!! They amused me a lot LOL!
I don't hate Jin, but he is so selfish and careless. He doesn't deserve that sweet creature named Kazuya! Tomohisa is so cute instead. An he has only a pinklish light side!! I am so happy they found out to live near each other. "You have a nice back." Kyaaa! I loved that part *grins*
I'm just a little disappointed: no kissing in this chapter. Why? *snif*
From now on Kazuya could send messages on the mobile of his neighbour, call him and wave from the window while the other is getting changed (eh, eh, it's very difficult to lose certain habits, ne~?) or simply they could walk together to school every morning holding hands! *silly grin*
Gosh! I am ranting on my own... Please write more!!!
Oooo and sorry for not commenting on the previous chapter(s). >-<; I read them, but by the time I actually do the next chapter is already up heh. Which is not a bad thing. <3 Anyway~ Not much Akame rabu in this chapter which is bad for my heart. XD But the Pikame makes up for it! ^o^ Sooooo cute~ You guys are making my fall in love with Pikame more and more. *o* Update soon and feed my craving for your Pikame rabu! XD Or will there be more Akame rabu? <3 Can't wait nyah~
OMG Pikame can't get more perfect! It's just so bittersweet~
and i don't like Jin's character.. he's being mean.. esp the part when he mentioned that Kame will not be with him forever or something to that effect... *sigh* Akame having problems...
But omg Kame should make a decision ne? and the last line is really appropriate... should he be doing this?
i'm all for Kame's happiness but he needs to know what he really wants...
nice chapter... again... ♥♥♥
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