Title: Dirty Thoughts are Never Good Character: Kitayama (hints of HiroSuke, though) Rating: NC-17/R Warnings: Rating says it all. Masturbation. A/N: Written for the Merry Month of Masturbation fic meme. Original post is here
Hot. Hot. Hot. And awesome. XDD <3 right from the beginning all the way to the end. Ahaha. <3 Haven't read anything this good in ages. Now, please write a sequel? XD
"oh, and I do NOT have a unibrow. Ass." oh, I was laughing so hard right there xD I can so see Taipi doing a pouty face while saying this *giggles* For the rest of the story: HOT!! Nothing more to say *goes off taking a cold shower* ;))
Comments 8
For the rest of the story: HOT!! Nothing more to say *goes off taking a cold shower* ;))
Thank you :-)
It was funny as well as hot, especially the ending >.<
Thanks for sharing and posting where I could find it! :D
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