Title: home is where the heart is
Genre: country, cars, craving.
Rating: pg13
Pairing: yunjae
Summary: Sometime later, Yunho stops the car in the middle of nowhere, leaves the engine running as he leans over and kisses Jaejoong like it’s something they’ve both been waiting for, and they could have been.
Jaejoong’s the dreamer between them, the one to suggest that there’s an answer for speed versus gravity, the one to fill in the spaces on these kinds of days, with enough left over to breathe. )
Comments 12
this was exactly what i needed to read to be in the right mood for apocafic. this is indescribable; this is love. this is just absolutely brilliant. i kind of developed a crush on jaejoong, and yunho totally stole my heart. /crying. gorgeous, bb.
thank you so much! ♥ jaejoong is crush material no matter where he goes. it's part of his nature.
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