Sign-ups for the Summer Lovin' Ficathon!

May 01, 2007 18:34

Sign-ups Are Closed

It's the first annual mid-summer Doctor/Rose fic exchange - spread the word, recruit your friends and fellow authors, and join us for the fun!

How does a fic exchange work? It's simple. You specify which Doctor/Rose pairing and plot elements you would like to read, as well as the elements you are willing to write. Someone will then write a story for you using your specifications, and in exchange, you'll write a story for someone else. All stories will be submitted to the exchange coordinators and posted here at oh_she_knows on the posting day. But you need not belong to OSK to participate - guest authors are welcome!

Important Dates:
Sign-ups: Wednesday, May 2nd - Friday, May 11th
Assignments out by: May 16th
Submissions due: July 1st
Posting Day: July 16th


• 1, 000 word minimum
• Beta - you must use one
• Fics should be able to stand alone and must be complete (no WIPS).
• All stories must involve the Doctor & Rose's relationship. If there are multiple pairings, D/R must be the main one.
• Read the Guide to Participating in Ficathons before signing up. It makes participating a snap! The sections on problems with assignments & meeting submission deadlines are particularly important.
• Send submissions to no later than Sunday, July 1st.

Header Info - to be used with your submission

Gift for:
Warnings: (if applicable)
Spoilers: (for S3, if applicable)
A/N: (if applicable)

(copy the form and leave it in a comment on this post)

Example sign-up

Acknowledgement: I've read the guide to ficathon participation and understand the expectations (please make some statement to that effect).

Name: crazyjules
E-mail: (no addresses, please)

Pairing I'd like: preferrably 10/Rose, but any are fine except Alt!9/Rose
Prompt 1: a twist on baby!fic, the Doctor being domestic
Prompt 2: Nine/Ten/Rose threesome, creative use of Ten's tie
Prompt 3: an alien planet, hurt/comfort, first time
Do not want: crack!fic, character death, non-con

Pairings I'll write: 9/Rose, 10/Rose, 11/Rose
Highest rating I'll write: NC-17
Genres I'll write: happy or unhappy endings, fluff, angst, romance, reunion, PWP smut, hurt/comfort, aphrodesiac, shag-or-die, but I can try other things. (Please list as many genres as you can. And if you are up for trying anything, tell me!)
Will not write: non-con, crack!fic, Rose regen, extreme kink, Martha

Will you pinch hit? (instead of regular participation? in addition to?)

Stuck for genre ideas or plot elements? Here are some to jog your memory:

post-ep fic, set during an ep, alien settings, oral fixation, classic series, time travel, reunionfic, babyfic, character study, Rose regen, aphrodesiacs, shag-or-die, non-con/dub-con, fluff, angst, unrequited, PWP smut, alt!Doctor, happy ending, unhappy ending, love triangle, hurt/comfort, character death, kink, psychic smut, dark!fic, humor, crack!fic, Bad Wolf, dark!Doctor, matchmaker!Jack, matchmaker!Tardis, retcon, other companions

ETA: What's pinch-hitting? It's filling in & covering the assignment of somebody who drops out. Pinch hitters are the heroes-to-the-rescue with ficathons. So if you're a relatively fast writer & it's no problem for you to bang something out, it's a nice way to help out. Or if you're just not sure right now that you want to participate, but you might feel like it later, possibly, then signing up to pinch-hit gives you the option of stepping in later. Either way, undying glory & gratitude is a pinch-hitter's.

Feel free to copy and repost the advertisement portion wherever you like! You're likewise welcome to use the banner (with credit to bytheseaside).


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