timestamp meme

Jan 23, 2016 00:43

Give me one of my own stories, and a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of the story, or sometime in the past before the story started, and I'll try to write you at least a hundred words of what happened then, whether it's five minutes before the story started or ten years in the future.


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Comments 8

doreyg January 23 2016, 10:51:01 UTC
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5712721 - Heat, after they get rescued


http://archiveofourown.org/works/4350680 - Must be Tuesday, the next Tuesday


Heat oh_mcgee January 23 2016, 23:22:15 UTC
After the storm lets up and they get rescued, that's when things get weird. And by weird, Hal means completely normal.

Like nothing happened.

It drives him crazy.

Sinestro just goes back to his arrogant self, barking orders and insulting anything that moves within an inch of it's life. Including Hal.

It's like he doesn't even remember how close they got in that cave, the way he kissed him and ran his fingers through his hair and stared into his eyes so intensely Hal's pretty sure that's what made him lose it.

But fine, it's not like Hal wanted to have sex with him. He definitely didn't want to have the memory of how Sinestro felt inside of him burned inside his mind. So, whatever. If he wants to pretend it never happened, Hal is totally, one hundred percent down with that ( ... )


RE: Heat doreyg January 30 2016, 16:41:01 UTC
I 'm sorry this reply is so late, I had a hell of a week, but OH MY GOD THIS IS SO GREAT. <33333 I love what a little brat Hal is, and how completely Sinestro is wrapped around his finger. I also really love the sense of the connection between them, how they're both obviously nuts for each other no matter how much they spar. Thank you so much! :D

Favourite bits!:

and stared into his eyes so intensely Hal's pretty sure that's what made him lose it.


He definitely didn't want to have the memory of how Sinestro felt inside of him burned inside his mind.


"You mean I don't want to wrap my legs around you and let you fuck me up against this wall until I scream?"


"I've never felt anything as incredible as being inside of you."



likewinning January 24 2016, 01:32:44 UTC
let's pause and add our own intentions, the first time Jason meets Bruce


oh hey, I'm super obsessed with this again oh_mcgee January 31 2016, 21:41:27 UTC
I can’t fucking do this anymore. I’m done.

Jason wraps his arms around himself and ducks his head out of the wind. He’d forgotten his jacket when he’d stormed out of the apartment earlier, hadn’t realized it until he got two blocks away and now he feels like his fucking fingers are going to fall off.

He stops on the corner of a liquor store and a diner to check his pockets for his smokes, but apparently he left those back at home too. Fuck everything.

“Bit chilly, isn’t it?” He hears someone say behind him and Jason closes his eyes, resisting the urge to clench his fists by his side. He so isn’t in the mood to deal with this shit right now.

“Look,” he breathes out and turns to face the guy. “I’m not --”

Jason’s words just kind of dissolve in his mouth as soon as he sees the guy, bundled up in a thick, wool peacoat and a scarf, looking like something that just walked out of fucking GQ. He definitely doesn’t look like he belongs on this side of town, but he doesn’t have that creepiness about him like most of the rich fucks who ( ... )


Re: oh hey, I'm super obsessed with this again oh_mcgee January 31 2016, 21:50:03 UTC
“He’s very important to me,” Bruce says, though he doesn’t quite meet Jason’s eyes when he says it. “And he keeps me in line ( ... )


Re: oh hey, I'm super obsessed with this again likewinning January 31 2016, 22:48:49 UTC
bundled up in a thick, wool peacoat and a scarf, looking like something that just walked out of fucking GQ.
WHY AM I SO ATTRACTED TO THAT. oh wait cuz it's Bruce :p

“No,” he says. “I think you kinda like your tires where they are.”

*screeeeeeeeches* goddamnit I love them so much. JUST. SO MUCH. Bruce is an actual PERFECT human here, and I kind of love that their first encounter isn't about sex or anything but they're still so into ech other. Gosh. I AM HAVING SUCH A LOT OF FEELINGS WRITE ME A MILLION MORE PAGES OF THIS. I mean. Thank you, bb <3333


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