UndeadJournal FTW! I almost failed to realize it's almost Halloween if it weren't for LJ to remind me! I liked the surprise XDD It really took me by surprise 'cause I was browsing someone's LJ, and I glanced rapidly at the top of the page and saw everything black and red and O__o it had nothing to do with the person's LJ layout but THEN I saw the
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BUT, YEAH THE PAIRINGS! Those are all that I like most! I don't have to mention my Hanchul obsession to you but GUH I JUST LOVE KANGTEUK AND KYUWOOK AND KISUNG AND SHINMIN SO FRIGGIN' MUCH. Marrying KangTeuk there was so sweet♥ We plan to marry all the couples, of course, but they had to be the first 'cause, you know, appa and umma ♥♥ I think the next one will be Hanchul! We only need to gather enough zeny (money)! I'll take caps of them when I have time! ^^
Sério, oq viu sobre eles q te deixou na dúvida? Pq eu estou mais tranquila q nunca em relação a isso, nem um pingo de dúvida me resta mais ^^
e sobre garotas, é q ultimamente estão perguntando muito essas coisas de "garota ideal" (e a do YunHo sempre acaba parecendo o Jae XDD), teve o boato da menina q o YunHo gostava, mas se vc ver as entrevistas e programas onde ele falou dela, oq ele disse mesmo é q é fã da PERSONAGEM dela no filme q ela faz, e adivinha como a personalidade dessa personagem é? xDDD Bom, tudo q tá surgindo se vc non se desesperar e olhar direito (q nem eu faço xDD) acaba se convencendo ainda mais q YunJae é real ^^
eh???...you played couples on Ragnarok???...not bad...i bet it was lots of fun!!...even though I have no idea what type of game you are talkign about....
but what???...SUJU couples???....then what about DBSK couples???...i think YunJae will feel lonely...so I hope that next time you and julius will play with YunJae...and make they marry each other too!!!....hehehehe...i am sure that will cheer you up a bit...i can sure imagine them marry to each other...*wink*
love you!!!
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