Another Shot at Happiness Part 6

Aug 22, 2009 15:03

Sorry for the delay with getting this chapter up. Real life knocked me out with a great big bunch of reality, and I'm trying to collect myself. There's another chapter in this story, maybe two, and then it'll be over. Yay! Feed back is love.

Another Shot At Happiness

Part 6- Connecting the Dots
Author: Natasha
Rating: CHILD
Summary: “I’m so sorry…”

Four hours later, CJ is still in surgery and Toby and Abbey are still sitting in the small waiting room, praying for good news. The nurses ventured in once, telling the concerned friends that they should really think about going to a hotel to get some rest because CJ will be in surgery for a while, only to have the former first lady blow up in their faces. That was three hours ago, and no one has ventured into the private room since then.

Toby used what little time he wasn’t praying to study the former first lady. He’s seen Abigail Bartlet face national crises and her husband’s debilitating disease with a stoic face, and yet she lost her composure with the two nurses who suggested maybe she go get some rest and leave the hospital. The outburst could have been attributed to the former first lady having witnessed the shooting first-hand, but was that she only reason she was determined not to leave while CJ was in surgery? Sure, CJ and Abbey saw each other daily while they were in Washington, but they weren’t that close. Were they?

The former Communication Director’s scrutiny of the woman next to him is interrupted when a familiar looking man in a black suit walks into the room. They watch as he looks around the tiny room, and then walks back out into the hallway. Toby stands up, giving Abbey’s hand a squeeze before dropping it from his own. “Reinforcements are here.”

First through the door are Congressman Will Bailey and a very pregnant Kate Harper. They’re followed by Josh Lyman and Donna Moss, the former being held up by his lover. Josh looks pale, the thought of maybe having to burry another sister taking it’s toll on his over-worked body. The two people through the room are Jed and Annabeth. Toby hugs his former co-workers as they enter, glad to see how many people showed up for CJ. There’s an awkward silence as they all sit, Jed and Annabeth sitting as far away from the former first lady as possible. It’s Donna who finally breaks the silence.

“Sam and Ainsley are on their way. They had some trouble finding a last-minute sitter, and then their plane was delayed. I talked to Charlie, but he won’t be able to make it because Zoey is too close to her due date. You probably already knew that, though. Have you heard anything more about CJ?” Abbey shakes her head, but it’s Toby who answers.

“Now. She’s been in surgery for over five hours now, so we should be hearing something soon.” A few more minutes of silence pass, and then Annabeth stands up. “I’m going to get some coffee. Would anyone else like some?” The petite blonds walks around the room talking coffee order, and Toby can’t miss the glare Abbey shoots the blonde when she walks too close. He looks from Abbey to Annabeth to the former president, and the pieces fall into place.

Abbey looks up, somehow knowing that her lover’s best friend has connected the dots. She meets his questioning gaze, nodding almost imperceptibly when he nods his head in Jed’s direction. “And CJ?” He whispers, using the coffee conversation as cover. Abbey nods, putting her hand over her heart. “Holy Hell.”

Toby’s just about to suggest that they step into the hallway for a much-needed conversation when the door opens and the doctor steps in to the already crowded room. “I’m so sorry,” he starts. Abbey’s face turns white and the whole room holds their breath. “I should have checked in with you earlier. She’s in recovery now. The surgery went well. We will move her into a private room as soon as she wakes up, and then you can go see her.”

There’s a collective sigh of relief as the doctor leaves. Josh sweeps Donna into his arms and spins her around, glad that he can tell CJ once again how much she means to him. Tears stream down Abbey’s face as she hugs Toby. “She’s going to be okay, Toby. She’s going to be okay.”
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