Team Carlisle - Introductions, Meetings and Practice

Aug 24, 2009 16:48

Carlisle had been posting reminders all week, and this is his final one:

Team Meeting
Captain: Carlisle Cullen
The Baseball Diamond, Today, 3 pm

Please acquire a glove from home or the Bar if you haven't already.

As everyone arrives, Carlisle clears his throat (all while wearing an extra-long billed baseball hat and skin-tone gloves to cover his hands while outside), offering everyone a welcoming smile.

"Hello, everybody. My name is Carlisle and Meg has decided to inflict me upon all of you." Alice rolls her eyes at the lame joke, but Carlisle moves on. "Most of you I haven't met before, and I'm sure there is at least one person here who each of you haven't met before either. What I'd like to get done today is give everyone a chance to get some practice in as a team and in smaller groups to work on skills that could use some improvement before the big game. I'll be walking around to help wherever I can so just get my attention if you have any questions you need answered.

"There are bats available behind home plate and balls are in the bucket on the pitcher's mound. Claim whatever you need and pair off to start practicing."

[ooc: Everyone is handwavily here. You can choose to not tag in at all, tag in to acknowledge practicing and whatnot, tag to thread with Carlisle, or tag to thread with other players.]
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