One book a day keeps the doctor away.

Oct 17, 2010 23:52

Okay, folks. Here's the deal: after consideration, I've decided to give away whatever books people want from that giant lot I pulled from my shelf. The full list is here. The books are in varying condition, some more scruffy than others, others rather old, but none with pages falling off. I take good care of my dears. Pay attention to what says on ( Read more... )


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Comments 27

_honeyspider October 17 2010, 23:22:21 UTC
The organisation of that list is so hot. Lists are sexy.


ofstarstuff October 18 2010, 18:43:19 UTC
Book Collector, by Collectorz. I'm an organization freak when it comes to databases.


shadowpiranha October 18 2010, 15:16:09 UTC
I would loooove the Sword of Truth series, been meaning to get them for ages!


ofstarstuff October 18 2010, 15:23:54 UTC
The full collection? Sure, send me your address in a PM; I'll check mail costs.

Unless... Don't you study in Lisboa? If you do, we can arrange for me to bring them to you.


shadowpiranha October 18 2010, 15:48:08 UTC
I used to, but not anymore. I doubt the costs will be that high, it'll make it cheaper than buying them from amazon plus postage I'm sure, so it's all good. I'll PM you in a sec.


ofstarstuff October 18 2010, 17:10:46 UTC
It's certainly cheaper. And as it turns out, a box that can hold 11 books is just as big as a box that can hold 20. So, question: any other 9-10 books you would like to have from this set?


agardenafter October 18 2010, 18:25:04 UTC
You are absolutely and utterly amazing Teresa, that is all.


ofstarstuff October 18 2010, 18:31:25 UTC
Icon! ♥

As I said to Diana, "A book's purpose is to be read, otherwise it's just a dead tree." I would be much happier knowing mine are in good hands, with people who plan on reading them, than packed away, gaining dust and mold and being forgotten.


shoemoney2night October 19 2010, 02:14:38 UTC
Ooh, I've been meaning to give the Sevenwaters Trilogy a go. Any good?


ofstarstuff October 19 2010, 06:49:24 UTC
I think it's good, especially the good one, since it's a retelling of a Grimm story. But I should warn you, Jess - mailing things to you would probably be terribly expensive, €25+. For that price, you can probably get the books new in any fancy bookstore.


shoemoney2night October 19 2010, 13:35:40 UTC
...thaaaat is a good point. >_< But, I did a quick search on Abe Books and it's looking promising! $1 AUD plus shipping, woot!


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