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Comments 6

hollie_alr October 6 2010, 20:14:40 UTC
I have seriously got to read the R.E novelisations sometime; are they any good? XD


offensive October 6 2010, 20:17:05 UTC
sort've depends on your definition of good. SD Perry is kind of an obvious fangirl of certain pairings, and it comes off very clearly in her writing. Actually, the books basically read as your average fanfic adaptations of the games. They're decent, but they're not like, mind boggling literature.

...which I'm sure if you're expecting mind boggling literature off of game novelizations you're probably gonna be waiting a while 8D;


vixias October 6 2010, 20:36:56 UTC
I dunno, the books for the Myst serries were beautiful! 8D


vixias October 6 2010, 20:38:37 UTC
I think my bookshelf just goes histry,fantasy,history,fantasy,history,fantasy, and so on. The only books that are not medieval-magical-fantasy books or history are either not mine, or are the Nick Sagan novels >_> Im not predictable,nope!


vixias October 6 2010, 20:38:48 UTC
Also: Simmbaaaaaa


eikesjacket October 7 2010, 13:19:21 UTC
Oh and we're not even going to mention the top shelf of VG art books and strategy guides.... okay, I guess we are.

I think that covers about 99.999% of my bookshelf.


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