stolen from everyone and their mom at this point.

Mar 02, 2009 18:25

Give me a character I play and a question/topic about them and I will answer according to my own personal canon. This can range from their birthday, favorite color or even their earliest memory up to what they had last night for dinner.
specifically my active characters in non-Dressing Room games atm are limited to DC although I'm...going to be ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

ggmoonycrisco March 2 2009, 23:59:30 UTC
Rebecca: It's cute when you get all soppy, so describe your ideal future with Lt. :|

Claire: Share a fond memory of you and your big dumb brother.

Penny: So do you ever see you and Billy becoming an item?


offensive March 3 2009, 00:37:10 UTC
- Ideally something will come to light, proving Billy's innocence after they've spent a while up in Canada in their love shack. They'll return to America where Rebecca will go back to school to get her PhD and Billy will get a job doing something that he actually wants to do rather than lumberjacking. Eventually they'll get married, not right off, but she'd like a year-long engagement and to be finished with school and secure in a job at a hospital before the heavy planning started. Everyone would be invited. Tifa can be her maid of honor. If they don't like... go back to their home worlds.

She'd like to wait a bit longer before they have kids, but she does want kids. At least two, maybe three, it'd depend on where they were after the second child. But she sees them with their own house in the country so they can have pets and not worry as much about them getting hit by cars, white picket fence and all that crap ( ... )


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