
Mar 19, 2007 14:24

baaa. snagged from everyone and your mom.

Most of you on my flist don't really know my original characters personally. Small wonder, I don't really write much for them beyond RPing, though I really should. To remedy this to some small degree and give you a small introduction to the madness, I propose this ( Read more... )

wtf varis is doing a meme, meme, ocs, rp

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Comments 50

furious March 20 2007, 01:40:47 UTC
What Oliver was thinking while Skuld was giving birth.


offensive March 20 2007, 02:01:22 UTC
and you use the baby icon wtf mo.

He'd sort of wanted to be in the delivery room. But Skuld had kicked him out.

People arrived, Tinka and Phan got to go in, Erich dragged him outside for cigarettes.

That was fifteen minutes of staring and grunting in which Oliver had the chance to not think about anything in general.

Back inside, there was pacing, and no one really talked to him. There was a series of questions that went through his mind, then.

What if the kids are freaks? What if they hate him? What if he's a shitty dad? What if he can't save London? What if--

When the nurse came out into the hallway to call him in, all that disappeared. It was probably the single most important moment of his life. He had two children, and a woman that loved him. Things he never would've even dreamed to dare having a year ago.

And he'd do everything in his power to keep them all safe.


(The comment has been removed)

Ariela offensive March 20 2007, 02:25:29 UTC
There were little things that Ariela looked forward to every day. Putting on the necklace her grandmother gave her for her sixteenth birthday, walking to school with Murillo and having to repeatedly ask him to slow down so she could keep up, reading a passage of a book out loud in English and not screwing it up.

Ariela tried hard to make the little things count, because she knew, sooner or later, the big things were going to overwhelm her.


Jane offensive March 20 2007, 02:28:37 UTC
In the beginning there were dinosaurs.

And they roamed the earth, and they ate, and they listened to one another, and they loved one another.

And then they all died and people didn't, although science doesn't seem to have any reasoning as to why not, now does it!

There are some days, when Jane really shouldn't be left alone with the plastic dinosaur display.

Strange things happen.


Wynnifred offensive March 20 2007, 02:31:59 UTC
The only things that Wynnie ever regrets, ever had regretted, and ever will regret.

She never did try the gelatto in New York.


ririkit March 20 2007, 04:48:31 UTC
Ariela - Sibling rivalry

Kenneth - how to make a day

Leila - pretend not to know them

Jane - okay, I'm lazy and just want to know more about the "killing the grandfather" thing. Spill.


offensive March 21 2007, 03:33:05 UTC
Ariela had never had a brother or a sister. She'd never experienced what many of her friends had called the extreme burden of having someone toddling along after them, or picking on them as children.

She supposed, the closest thing she had to a brother was probably Murillo. Often times she wondered if it was sisterly affection towards him that kept her running up the steps to his home every day, or running into the middle of the schoolyard and jumping on his back to pry him away from whoever he was fighting, although a lot of the time it was because no one else would. He didn't tend to make a lot of friends, or keep them very well. He was mean even to her, but she could be mean back, if she wanted to.

He always seemed to listen to her, for some reason.


Kenneth offensive March 21 2007, 03:48:00 UTC
Kenneth's days weren't really something regular. He had the routine, get up, eat, go to class, sit in the cafeteria and do homework, call home, walk to work, sort books, walk Theodore home ( ... )


Leila offensive March 21 2007, 03:53:45 UTC
Interviews were something that Leila was never fond of, but she had to do them. It was required of her status of a star, and she had always believed in putting forward an honest real face if you were a celebrity. She didn't want people to think she was some face secretive superficial freak who couldn't be bothered to publicise herself properly.

One question that always bothered her, was when people asked about her co-workers. She could talk about the show, talk about the aspects that were being brought, the development that she was authorized to go into as far as Dany was concerned.

But the questions of her celebrity co-workers, who she was becoming a bit more well-acquainted with as they fought to protect or destroy humanity, always bothered her.

Most of the time, she'd dismiss any questions with a "Well, we don't really talk much on-set." Because the faces she saw away from the lights and the makeup were very different from the faces she saw covering magazines and posters.


hezul March 20 2007, 23:54:48 UTC
Ria: paper cranes

James: four o'clock in the morning


Ria offensive March 21 2007, 04:37:40 UTC
Making cranes had always been a talent of hers. It wasn't particularly wiccan, but she'd learned to make them when she was young, and she just kept at it. Folding the small paper birds became somewhat of a nervous hobby.

She'd folded one dozen the night before she'd left for New York

two dozen the night the choice was solidified

one exactly every time her mind wandered and she realized she was thinking of someone she had no business thinking of in that way ( ... )


James offensive March 21 2007, 05:45:28 UTC
He rolled over onto his back and stared at the red glowing numbers on his bedside table. 3:59am. Something had woken him, and he wasn't really sure what it was. Something didn't feel right, really.

He sat up, shifting his legs over the side of the bed and stood, padding out into the hallway in only his pj bottoms, rubbing his eyes tiredly. It was dark in the apartment, and he wasn't surprised. This was around the time when Helene would either be passed out, or just getting home.

He yawned, rounding the corner into the kitchen before realizing that there was a light coming from the refridgerator corner. He glanced over, without looking, and seeing movement, and got an eyeful of sisterly bum sticking out on a midnight raid.

The resulting screams of 'OH GOD, MY EYES' and the resulting thump of Helene attacking her brother had the neighbors downstairs complaining the next day.


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