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Comments 109

furious December 28 2004, 16:01:21 UTC
xu-mun from _ff. thought i'd add you because you're funky-chipper.

and we have the same name. which is just odd. victoria isn't a very common name, y'know?


offensive December 28 2004, 17:46:47 UTC
...Yes. It is very weird.

Added! >D


lizzybees December 28 2004, 16:58:38 UTC
Er, hi. ^^ I'm Morag-mun over at Seven, and I feel like such a huge dork trying to come up with the best reason for you to add me. I guess I'm just curious about the people I play with, and you seem like someone really interesting. I haven't gotten to talk to you a whole lot (I don't talk to anyone, really) but you seem really nice and interesting. Which, I know, sounds like a lame excuse, but it's true.

So, that's my reason. :D


offensive December 28 2004, 17:47:41 UTC
...You could have just totally used that icon and pointed to your user name, and been like *Reasons* and I would have added you. >D Jack Davenport is Sex. And greenabsinthe is just a fun screen name in general. >D *addeD*


___bombastic February 17 2005, 10:06:39 UTC
add me because im a comment whore,
i read entrys
AND i LOVE LOVE LOVE final fantasy.
*puppy dog eyes*
amy xx


another_myself February 20 2005, 06:57:28 UTC
Hi there! I read your disclaimer here so I don't know if you'll add me back, but I saw your journal connected with myriad_dreams and checked it out for pure curiosity .. and then when I saw you were currently reading Wicked! and you were also a major Yuna fan (as am I), well .. I thought it'd be worth a try in seeing if we could be friends? I comment quite a bit as well, so I promise I won't lurk!

I'm going to add you and hope it's okay. =)


offensive February 20 2005, 08:34:42 UTC
Added! ^_^


cloud_striver March 4 2005, 23:24:28 UTC
Seems like we are big Yuna fans... add me?


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