I could blame Joss Whedon. Technically speaking, this *is* All His Fault.
I mean, lots of people tried. Neil Gaiman. Terry Moore. Allan Moore. Frank Miller. Harvey Pekar. None of them succeeded before. Nope, it was all Joss.
It wasn't until he announced that he'd be releasing a Season 8 of Buffy as a comic book that I started
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Comments 7
The trade collections really are easier to manage.
There are some things that I will be getting as trades only, like Fables. It worked really nicely with Sandman and Strangers in Paradise, but I can't wait for the trades of Buffy or Angel. I'm just not that strong. I bought Omega #1 on a lark and really loved it, so I'm getting the rest of the 10-issues-only run. So, some of them are only limited runs, and others have been bought out of curiosity.
I think I left my point in my other pants. In other news, we should have dinner again soon, though I won't be free to until the week of the 21st, at the earliest. :/ Are you going to Comic Con?
Not doing Comic Con this year, I think.
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