[Guilty Gear] Supply and Demand

Aug 03, 2009 18:00

Title: Supply and Demand
Fandom: Guilty Gear
Rating: G
Characters: Sol, Ky
Warnings: none, really (unless you count off-screen violence and innuendo)
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Notes: Impromptu Monday ficlet spawned by twigcollins. I know, that's like, most of what I write. XD

Supply and Demand

"I found our guns."

Coming out of the building, Ky jerked up to look at him, his entire posture so tense that Sol realized he could have taken care of the locks just by moving the kid next to them. As it was, they were already melting against the warehouse gates in the afternoon sun.

"How wonderful," Ky said, gritting his teeth. "We won't be getting them, though. Two months. Two whole months and they're still debating the request."

"We were expecting as much, though."

"I didn't expect them to debate this! I thought it just got lost. Something."

Anything but this, was what he wanted to say, but it came across anyway. The funny thing was that the kid had no illusions about anything to do with bureaucracy, as much as he was a stickler for it, but his expectations still weren't low enough. Sol's were, however, which was why he was all in favor of cutting out the middle man.

"'C'mere for a sec."

"I just-I know this is how they tick, the Lord knows I do-but I don't understand it." Ky didn't even seem to notice him, more muttering to himself in helpless frustration than anything else. Well, at least he was doing that. It was worse when he was just glaring holes into things. "I don't understand how they can see the problem… how they know what's going on at the front… how they know what would fix it… and they don't. They just… don't."

"You'd have to be one of them to get it, I think," Sol said, shrugging. "Now c'mere."

"What…?" The kid was moving almost in spite of himself, simply because there was nothing else to do now except to turn back, climb into the carriage, and return to the front to tell his men exactly why they were going to be dying in droves for the next few weeks.

"Since they're stuck approving more important things… I've taken the liberty of processing our request." Sol vanished around the corner.


He could hear the footsteps quickening to follow him, and the way they abruptly faltered as the kid was confronted first with the open warehouse gate and then the sizzling, bubbling mess that had been the security system not too long ago.

"What on Earth-"

"If you're looking for the little flunkies, don't worry. They weren't very helpful, so I told them to get themselves in the closet," Sol said, pulling the top box from the first stack and lifting the lid to reveal six perfectly polished long-range ray guns. "See? There they are."

"You… told them to get in the closet," Ky repeated.

"Sure I did. They were blathering about regulations and getting my ass arrested, and that'd create logistics problems."

"Logistics problems," Ky said faintly.

Sol demonstratively shook the box, the lid falling shut again. "Yeah. Where do you want these?"

That seemed to snap Ky out of his stupor. "You... A wagon. There's a wagon in the back. I'll go get it."

Sol smirked. "Gotcha."

Ten minutes later, the wagon was parked by the gates and he was stacking the last couple of boxes on top of it. The horses were slightly suspicious about being borrowed without their driver's consent, but seemed willing to defect for the good cause and a handful of sugar cubes, courtesy of Ky.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Ky was saying, pulling the straps tight to secure the load. "That's aiding and abetting."

"If it helps your conscience, you can blame it on my nefarious influence," Sol said generously.

"The day I'm letting you be responsible for any part of my sanity is the day I'll willingly declare myself unfit for command."

"Your choice," Sol said. "If you want to live with having approved my horrible deeds…"

"It's not approval!" Ky snapped, clicking the last latch into place. "I just… don't want to leave the guns here."

If he had ever felt like holding back a grin, he certainly didn't feel like it now. The kid caught him leering, and frowned. "That's no reason to be pleased with yourself."

"Yes, it is. I'm corrupting you. Step by step."

"You're demented," Ky concluded, climbing into the driver's seat. "Now get on here before anyone notices. I'm not keen on fighting my way out of here."

"Yes, sir."

- Fin -


- Self-indulgent snippet is self-indulgent.
- Crossbows. HAH.
- Sol is considering demanding a back massage for compensation. Even if that'll most likely involve feet. And lots of force.
- The official explanation was that the guns were "lost", when Ky ended up saving a couple of Very Important Asses with the aid of samesaid weapons two weeks later.

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