[Lamento ] Five Things Bardo Went Fishing For

Jul 26, 2009 22:43

Title: Five Things Bardo Went Fishing For
Fandom: Lamento - Beyond the Void
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Asato, Rai, mild BardoxKonoe (Yes, I said BardoxKonoe.)
Warnings: garnished with a small sprig of intermittent humor
Disclaimer: They're not mine, I'm just playing with them.
Notes: Inspired by this picture, by 狛犬の.

Five Things Bardo Went Fishing For

1. Trout

"Look, look, daddy, I threw it!" A tiger-striped tail lashed excitedly.

The older cat tried hard to stifle a grin. "That's great. Now, how about... uh, not catching yourself with it."


"Hey, that's okay. You just need to practice." He patted the child on the head.

"When I get better, do I get a real hook?"

"Sure, when you get better. Now, how about some more practice?"

A sigh. "...Okay."


2. Carp

A pained howl rang across the creek.


Scrambling over the slippery rocks lining the riverbank, Bardo slid to a stop next to the kitten, who was clenching his hand into a fist, watching in morbid fascination as rivulets of blood splattered against the stones.


"Rai, let me see that."

The boy glared. "No."

"Rai, stop clenching your hand like that! You'll just dig it in deeper! Now let me see that."

"No." Pitter-pat.

Bardo gave an exasperated groan. "Son of a--! Rai, don't give me any of this death-before-shame shit. You put a hook in your hand, and unless you want to walk back with it stuck there and get blood poisoning with fever and diarrhea and gross yellow oozy stuff--"

The boy's ears perked with interest. "Gross?"

"-- and if you do this, so help me, I'll force-feed you my special soup like the last time you were sick, and I'll keep doing that even if you throw it back up a hundred times and you will wish like nothing else that you had let me take a look at it when I told you to!"

Rai scrunched up his nose, and, figuring Bardo would make good on that threat, shoved the hand at him. "Fine."

He sighed. "Now let's see. Thank goodness, it's not deep. I'll get it out of you in no time."

And as he was trying to operate a fishing hook out of a disgruntled kitten's hand, he couldn't help but deflate a little at the thought that a pot of soup was able to strike fear into Rai where he couldn't.


3. Salmon

There were no salmon at this time of the year, but he had to get out of the house for a little while. It was just that he felt like he was going crazy in the nitroglycerin atmosphere between the boys and his strange guests, that everyone was just waiting for an excuse to explode, and on top of that a damn devil was watching his every step like Bardo was a piece of meat on two legs, and not in a good way, and he simply had to make his escape before he did something like pulling his hair out by handfuls (doubtful it'd grow back, yes).

He felt like the worst kind of coward for doing so, leaving young Konoe alone in this mess, and he couldn't have been very convincing either, with the boy's expression asking clearly, 'Salmon? What salmon?' but too nice or polite or too damn kind to call Bardo on his obvious lie. Rai would protect Konoe for a few hours at least. Rai, whose gaze he had felt lingering on his back like an ancient weight, saying, "Just like you, old man. Always taking the easy way out," and he didn't know what hurt worse, the fact that Rai was right, or the fact that the look in his eye had been more resigned than angry, like he really hadn't expected any better from him.


4. Catfish

He had decided to ask Konoe to come along next time, even though fishing was likely to bore such a vibrant boy.

But he had asked him regardless, Konoe had agreed to come along because he had never gone fishing, and Bardo had been able to feel like a stupid teenager all over again for a total of ten seconds before Rai had glared at him with well-founded suspicion and invited himself along, and Konoe had bounced up and said that that was a wonderful idea and wandered off to find Asato, too.

It was fun, though. Asato got bored with hooks and lines and waiting patiently, rolled up his pants and waded knee-deep into the water where he started swiping at the fish like an overgrown kitten, though he proved to be surprisingly adept at perfecting his technique. Konoe was bright, cheerful and a delight to teach, and didn't let small setbacks bother him, even though one of them included landing on his ass in the water. Rai didn't go fishing, instead choosing to spend the morning sitting stoically on a rock with his legs crossed, alternately glaring at Bardo and laughing at Konoe. He did help by expertly frying what they caught over the fire, though, and Bardo took this as an excuse to call him a wife, to which Rai took offense and hit him soundly upside the head, growling until Konoe remarked sweetly that if good cooking made somebody a wife, then shouldn't that title go to Bardo instead?

Between feeling torn over preening and nursing his wounded pride, listening to everyone chortle and grin, and watching Konoe smile and glow in the firelight, he couldn't help but wonder why he had ever thought this wouldn't be fun, or why he hadn't done this sooner.


5. Sturgeon

The next time Konoe accompanied him on a fishing trip, it was just the two of them, and they didn't get any fishing done at all. But Bardo didn't even find the time to care, not when he had Konoe underneath him, warm and eager and perfect, splashing and rolling around in the shallow water, chasing the fish from the vicinity and his mind.


A/N: In the CV course, we were taught to make lists of five or seven things and then write short texts about them. I really like that idea in order to stretch my creative muscles a bit. XD

Once again, I blame sexual_ennui for egging on the Bardo-bunnies.

Oh, and C&C is wanted, appreciated, loved and treasured. ♥

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