Title: The End Of The Beginning Part: XIX Title: What makes the world turn Pairing: Xander/Spike (eventually) Overall Rating: NC17 Chapter Rating: PG13 Beta:
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I know, I've been a little slack with updates. I had about a dozen plot bunnies running around and I had to decide which one I was going to stick in the stew. *g*
I adore fics that address the money problem. Although I have to admit, I'm surprised that Joyce didn't have a Will or something to help take care of Dawn... although maybe Xander is keeping that aside just for Dawn. Can't remember if you mentioned it or not.
I think it says a lot about Xander's... issues that he thinks he's a fuck up when not having enough money is not his fault. Dawn is entirely capable of getting a job if she wants new clothes or extra things. Gotta tighten that belt!
I am slightly confuzzled though. All this time I thought they were at the Summer's house. But, I guess they aren't. So Xander and Dawn are in a separate house, still have the Summer's house, and Spike has a house? I guess that's handy if they all need their space :p
I can't wait to see what happens next, and if living in her old house is too much for Dawn, she should prolly see a shrink too.
Thanks for sharing, happy writing, and update soon please!
My beta said the same thing (about thinking they were at the Summers' house). I did make a comment in passing early on in the fic about Xander being able to rent a bigger place for Dawn etc etc but I was planning on covering off on all that in the next chapter (since so many people are confused).
At the moment, the Summers house is sitting empty, Xander helped Spike move into a new place (though we don't know where or what it's like) back when he was doing a zombie/robot/uncaring-thing impression.
As for seeing a shrink, I think they all need it, but I'm pretty sure my poor Xander-voice would have a heart attack if I threatened the cost of a therapist.
:-) so here we are at coughing the hell out of our lungs and wondering where does Spike live!!! and that Down is a big girl, she should be involved and not protectet at all costs!!! too casual huh *grin*
*g* We'll all find out (me included!) what Spike's place is like soon. The boys keep hopping between plot lines so who knows if they'll even get to move!
I think my Xander-voice is trying to keep as much of the teen-needs-to-pay-her-own-way thing away from Dawn as possible since it's how he was brought up, but we'll see. Never know when a green ball of energy is going to surprise you.
This story is kind of magic. I've internet-connection-troubles but when it works I'm able to read one of your updates. And this story is so .... aarrgghhh I do love this fic and your Spike is sooooooo wonderful and his bahviour against Xander is so wonderful. Thanks for sharing this update.
Comments 11
I adore fics that address the money problem. Although I have to admit, I'm surprised that Joyce didn't have a Will or something to help take care of Dawn... although maybe Xander is keeping that aside just for Dawn. Can't remember if you mentioned it or not.
I think it says a lot about Xander's... issues that he thinks he's a fuck up when not having enough money is not his fault. Dawn is entirely capable of getting a job if she wants new clothes or extra things. Gotta tighten that belt!
I am slightly confuzzled though. All this time I thought they were at the Summer's house. But, I guess they aren't. So Xander and Dawn are in a separate house, still have the Summer's house, and Spike has a house? I guess that's handy if they all need their space :p
I can't wait to see what happens next, and if living in her old house is too much for Dawn, she should prolly see a shrink too.
Thanks for sharing, happy writing, and update soon please!
Tabee :)
At the moment, the Summers house is sitting empty, Xander helped Spike move into a new place (though we don't know where or what it's like) back when he was doing a zombie/robot/uncaring-thing impression.
As for seeing a shrink, I think they all need it, but I'm pretty sure my poor Xander-voice would have a heart attack if I threatened the cost of a therapist.
Thanks for keeping up with it =]
so here we are at coughing the hell out of our lungs and wondering where does Spike live!!! and that Down is a big girl, she should be involved and not protectet at all costs!!! too casual huh *grin*
I think my Xander-voice is trying to keep as much of the teen-needs-to-pay-her-own-way thing away from Dawn as possible since it's how he was brought up, but we'll see. Never know when a green ball of energy is going to surprise you.
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