Title: The End Of The Beginning Part: XVIII Title: What blind voices see Pairing: Xander/Spike (eventually) Overall Rating: NC17 Chapter Rating: PG13 Beta:
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Ouch! Three days of silence! Well, that should be a learning experience for Xander. And Spike is right that Xander's healing is going to take time but I believe he and Dawn will be right by his side as he does.
However, I feel they still have more talking and angst to cover before they reach the final plateau.
:-) so strange and so sweet :-) that's something i love to speak in that kind of way :-) did it yeatarday with a guy and all went well 'till one thing which i couldn't understand.... but that with the sword i kinda like it *grin*
thanks for the tip :-) and you're muse hmmm muse :-) we will just wait and enjoy :-)
Lovely gentle chapter. Bill the demon doctor is just a great image, and Dawn and Xander's non conversation says more than words ever could. The three of them are becoming so comfortable with each other, so hopefully now they'll start to heal. Or do you have some other disruption up your sleeve, you evil woman!
Comments 8
However, I feel they still have more talking and angst to cover before they reach the final plateau.
that's something i love to speak in that kind of way :-) did it yeatarday with a guy and all went well 'till one thing which i couldn't understand.... but that with the sword i kinda like it *grin*
thanks for the tip :-) and you're muse hmmm muse :-) we will just wait and enjoy :-)
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