Title: The End Of The Beginning
Part: VIII
Title: Hope in bloodshed
Pairing: Xander/Spike (eventually)
Overall Rating: NC17
Chapter Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I just play with them like wonderfully anatomically correct barbies then I have to put them back.
AN: I'm stuck at home on doctor's orders so you can pretty much be certain I'm going to be doing
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Comments 21
I'm glad you liked the chapter.
Oh! I love Spike giving a blood oath that he won't hurt Dawn. And the blood play? Unexpected but pretty hot.
I can't wait for more.
I'm glad you liked the bloodoath bit. To be honest I was a little wary of it. Wasn't sure how people would take to it, but seems to be ok. Not too OOC I trust?
Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks for the friend btw!
BUFFY: I'm counting on you ... to protect her.
SPIKE: Till the end of the world. Even if that happens to be tonight.
However I do like that now Spike can protect Dawn and refrain from killing those she loves out of choice not just because the chip won't let him.
I've never beta'd but I'm fairly good at grammer and punctuation and I certainly am up on my Buffylore if you'd like to try me out (my email is in my userinfo).
I'm glad the way I put this chapter wasn't too far left field. Was worried about this one being a bit out there.
And beta-ness would be absolutely fantastic! I know your help this far has been seriously appreciated.
I'll probably have another chapter done by tomorrow night, so I'll FW it to you to see what you think. =]
I wanted something that would appeal to Xander without being too sappy that it seemed contrived.
And I MAY have hammed up the hyena a tiny bit (but since we don't know how much [if any] of those instincts stayed around I figured blood is a pretty powerful way of saying you're serious).
You might end up with the next chapter later tonight, muse has the bullwhip out again lol
Oh Xander, silly boy.
The blood play was hot!
That and it's the biggest plot bunny known to man *grin*
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