Title: The End Of The Beginning
Part: VII
Title: Conviction can feel like lonliness
Pairing: Xander/Spike (eventually)
Overall Rating: NC17
Chapter Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I promise to put them back all shiny and new like.
AN: My muse is a somewhat demanding little thing. There'll probably be another chapter or two by the end of the week.
Previous Chapters Xander sat on his bed, phone resting between his cheek and shoulder as his hand flew across the paper, scribbling sentence after sentence as he tried to keep up with the babbling voice on the other end of the phone. The last few days had been full of so many ups and downs he was starting to get motion sickness. At first Willow had been so dubious that it would work he'd almost felt sick. Then that glorious brain of hers had begun to really work, and soon enough they were working out logistics, what they needed and where they could get it from.
On top of speaking to Willow, Xander had gotten in contact with Angel of all people. He'd read enough of the Watcher's diaries in his youth to know that Sire's blood would do wonderful things for Spike's healing. The first time he'd explained the idea he found himself speaking to a dial tone within minutes. It had taken a very serious chat, and the mention of Dawn's name several times before the broody vampire was even starting to consider the idea. Eventually he had thrown everything to the wind, determined to get the older vampire's help.
"Look Angel, I know you don't like me, and I know you don't have the best history with Spike. Frankly, I don't care. I'm not doing this for me, or him, or you, I'm doing this because Spike is the person who kept Dawn sane. He's the person she turns to, even now, when something goes wrong. She trusts me, sure, but she'd follow Spike to hell and back without even thinking, she feels safe with Spike. I want to make sure that nothing can take that away from her. And if that means giving bleach boy his right hook back, then I'll do it." He ignored the twinge of pain at that confession, the conviction in his voice doing what pleading couldn't have.
"I don't care if you tell me to shove it after this, but Dawn is all I have here." And that one hurt so much he had to stop for a second while he remembered another Summers. "If that means I have to knock you out and drag your sorry ass back here, I'll do it, and I won't be sorry for it later."
"Just tell me when." That one sentence had him breathing again, and he didn't say thank you - the dead phone line was already buzzing in his ear.
He hadn't expected to be able to keep a secret this big from Dawn for very long, but he hadn't expected it to come out without a little help from a certain vampire. However, he knew he couldn't blame Spike when both he and the blonde walked in the door after a patrol and found themselves face to face with a fuming teenager.
"When were you going to tell me?" Her voice was full of betrayal, and a reluctant hope that their crazy plan might just work.
"When we knew more." Xander gaze went to the blonde beside him who was looking straight at the teen, refusing to give apologies, "Didn't want to say it could happen just yet, not until we knew enough, didn't want to get so caught up in the possibility of hope, we'd ignore reality."
It seemed like he was the only one who was surprised by the change in Spike's speech patterns. The drawl was still there, but the edges of his words were less sharp, rolling off his tongue in soothing waves rather than splitting the air around him like razorblades.
"We were going to tell you Bit, need you, won't I? Who else is going to keep the big nasties away from me while I get all strong again?" Strangely enough that admission seemed to calm the teen, and the hand that had been gripping the phone, ready to hurl it at one of them, relaxed slightly.
"New films came out today, what say you and I catch one, Bit?" The voice was closer to what Xander knew as 'Spike' but still softer, almost mellow.
Nodding the teenager ducked up to her room, grabbing one of her warmer jackets before taking the vampire's outstretched hand. Xander barely had time to draw a breath before the door was shutting behind them, trying to ignore the lonely feeling that had slipped in with the soft click of the latch.
Next Chapter