Here In Heaven

Aug 30, 2011 20:05

Just a little fic. Because there is no point to life if not for heaven.
At the very end of Time, well after the failure of Utopia, there is a box. It is small and would be of no consequence if not for the fact that it is the last occupied dwelling in the galaxy. Perhaps the universe.
"Getting a bit late, isn't it?" The speaker is thin and blonde. He ( Read more... )

fic, meta

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Comments 3

edzel2 November 5 2011, 17:53:10 UTC
Oh, this is wonderful! To even imagine that the Doctor and the Master would survive to The End of Days, and to have reached an understanding so that they are together.... I feel rather sad, now. But you've packed so much into those few short words. 'The speaker is thin and blond. He was once a madman...' Oh, Master...

And my favourite line of all? 'It is quiet in the Master's head, and the Doctor can finally stop running.' Waaaahhhh.....

Thank you so much for sharing. I'm amazed this doesn't have any other comments; this ficlet deserves to be read, IMHO.


ofdrumsthesound November 5 2011, 20:49:36 UTC
Aww, thank you!


laireshi November 22 2011, 19:04:21 UTC
Oh, but I love it.
It's so very sad, yet beautiful. It speaks of the end, but is hopeful all the same. You show us the Doctor and the Master who finally found peace together and it is amazing. And the atmosphere is fairytale-like. Really, really, I love it.


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