Dec 01, 2010 15:27

So here it is! Copypaste the handy dandy text area, fill out your info, and you're ready to go.

There will be two forms here: a shorter general sign-up one for Team Rocket characters (because they'll be doling out most of the violence obviously) and a permissions form for everyone else. Team Rocket characters who sign up should friend this journal. I'll be compiling permissions and posting a flocked plotting entry this weekend detailing what you're allowed to do to people who signed up.

General permissions
Character name: (self-explanatory)
Character species: (Human, pokemon, gijinka, etc.)

Do you want a limit set on how much non-lethal violence is inflicted on your character? (If you answer yes, your character will probably get off with minor injuries only unless you specify otherwise.)
How about near-lethal violence? (If you're okay with anything happening to your character as long as it's terrible, answer 'yes.')
Is there anything that you absolutely do not want to happen to your character? (List your squicks here. Obviously, nothing will happen that's against Pokedressing's rules, but... as an example, if you're okay with your character getting injured in most ways but eye injuries freak you out beyond belief, you'd mention that here.)
Death may happen. Can it happen to your character? (Self-explanatory. Obviously, your character will be resurrected... unless you're retiring them and want them to go out with a bang.)
Do you want your character to be singled out for maiming or murdering? (If you definitely want your character to be killed off or brutally injured rather than just leaving it up to how the thread goes, answer yes here.)
Is there anything we should know about the character in terms of physical qualities or limitations before this plot starts? (For example-does your character have some sort of disease, are they unable to turn right, etc.)

Anything else? (Anything not covered by the above that you think we should know goes here.)

Rocket Permissions
Character Name: (self-explanatory)
Character Rank: (Grunt, executive, admin, other)

plot, pokedressing

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