Title: Walk Visible Under The Sun
Author: WeepingNaiad
Part: 3/4
Pairing: Éomer/Kirk
Rating: up to NC-17
Fandom: Star Trek XI/Lord of the Rings Crossover
Words: 6,285 this chapter
Beta: I must thank
abigail89, whose encouragement and support and wicked fast beta meant so much to me, and
hitlikehammers, without whom I would not have had the courage to finish this! Thank you both for everything!
Warning: None, really.
Summary: Éomer watches as a strangely clad man kills a warg in mid-leap. By the time he overtakes them, the blond-haired man is lying silent and broken at the bottom of a ravine and something inside Éomer feels compelled to help him. Éomer has no idea what he’s willing to risk for the mysterious man with no memories and arresting sky blue eyes.
"Too often have I heard of duty," she cried. "But am I not of the House of Eorl, a shield maiden and not a dry-nurse? I have waited on faltering feet long enough. Since they falter no longer, it seems, may I not now spend my life as I will."