Pretty scary stuff concerning fandom and fanfic

Jul 22, 2008 17:39

As I heard from ladybug218 here, there's a huge amount of fanwank going on right now that's kind of scary. The long and short of the matter is that if you have a profile, it's going to be archived at Fan History Wiki. Then anybody can edit information about you as they see fit, so if--in any way-- your profile can be connected to your LJ, there you go. Anything you've posted at your about your personal life can be added to the Fan History Wiki profile.

Just a heads-up, in case you haven't heard. I've taken down everything that connects my profile to anything else, but since I've already got a page on Fan History Wiki, that was probably mostly wasted effort on my part.

Here's a list, mainly for my reference, of pertinent links:
fanthropology, the people who run the Fan History Wiki
ladybug218's list
dejana has a good response here, which shows how scary this can get
storydivagirl's response
"How to maintain fandom privacy" on fanthropology
the person who runs fanthropology getting called out in the past
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