I've been thinking for a while now of doing a request post, since when I know I'm making icons for someone, they tend to be better. Or I delude myself into thinking they're better, one or the other. At any rate, I'm not sure I want to commit to fulfilling requests, so I present a...suggestion post.
Suggestions form:
Fandom: Please, try to stick with my fandoms (or actors from them). You can search through my
tags to get an idea of them. Stock is fine, too.
Subject: Be it a character, a pairing, an episode, something else...
Graphic Type: icon, banner, wallpaper, mood theme...
Picture Link: If applicable. And high quality images are a lot more likely to be worked with. Also, the more the merrier. :)
Dimensions: If applicable.
Text: If applicable. Also, text/lyrics that you think would look good on something, but you're not sure what are also very gratefully accepted.
Other: Anything else you think I should know.
Fandom:Graphic Type:Subject:Picture Link:Dimensions:Text:Other: Feel free to fill this out as often as you wish. I can't promise I'll get to everyone's request (at least in a timely fashion), but I will try. :)