Title: That's Not My Name Music: The Ting Tings Fandom: EastEnders (Syed Masood) Summary: Syed tries to work out who he is Length: 3:48 Notes: Made for the 'Signs and Silences' vidshow at
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Awww I love this! I love how you show different interpretations of the chorus and show his struggle with acceptance from his family and his religion. Really great use of the song!
I am curious in watching this now. This is a long show right? Do you know what seasons this plotline is in?
It is a long show, yeah...okay, confession time, it's a soap opera. (I'm a lifelong soaps fan I'm afraid, though British not American, very different beasts. British soaps are primetime rather than daytime and more rooted in reality - or at least they used to be, don't get me started on the current state of British soap.)
So no easy-to-find seasons unfortunately! But there are some helpful youtube channels that have uploaded just the Christian/Syed/Masood family parts with everything else cut out, which is the easiest place to start. This playlist is probably the best to watch the original storyline, which ran from about June 2009 to July 2010. They then stayed in the show until November 2012 - but there was a change of producer and things were pretty dire after July 2010, I'd stop there if I were you
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;_; oh this is so wonderful. your struggle with the vid is not obvious while watching it because iT IS PERFECT ugh i could watch it all day long & stared at syed's face ... i obviously haven't been keeping track of what these two were doing, but this affectes me just the same ... i was actually tearing up while watching this. i'm not sure if it's your excellent editing or syed's puppy dog face (i'm leaning towards BOTH).
(i don' think you're on tumblr, but would you mind i posted this on my rec blog? linking to this post here & everything, of course)
But of course! Recs are always welcome, am very chuffed thank you. :D (I really need to get on tumblr, seems to be where most of fandom happens these days, but it scares and confuses me...)
And it'll definitely be Syed's wee face, it has that effect on people.
Comments 8
I am curious in watching this now. This is a long show right? Do you know what seasons this plotline is in?
It is a long show, yeah...okay, confession time, it's a soap opera. (I'm a lifelong soaps fan I'm afraid, though British not American, very different beasts. British soaps are primetime rather than daytime and more rooted in reality - or at least they used to be, don't get me started on the current state of British soap.)
So no easy-to-find seasons unfortunately! But there are some helpful youtube channels that have uploaded just the Christian/Syed/Masood family parts with everything else cut out, which is the easiest place to start. This playlist is probably the best to watch the original storyline, which ran from about June 2009 to July 2010. They then stayed in the show until November 2012 - but there was a change of producer and things were pretty dire after July 2010, I'd stop there if I were you ( ... )
(i don' think you're on tumblr, but would you mind i posted this on my rec blog? linking to this post here & everything, of course)
And it'll definitely be Syed's wee face, it has that effect on people.
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