But only because they're in a book, man.
Link Salad To Help You Avoid Real Work and Lose Track of Time On The Internet:
-- Donna Moore (author of
Old Dogs which features mean old women who steal things -- pause, *love* ...return) has a round-up of
comic mysteries featuring a) Scott Phillips'
Cottonwood which is blackly funny and awesome.
but b) a book called
Anonymous Rex, a book with a velociraptor P.I. as the protagonist. Must...control...Amazon...cart...
-- I am very jealous of
Daphne DuMaurier's hair.
-- Not a book at all: I cannot stop reading this story:
And if I make my bed in Sheol [x-files, scully, mulder/scully]. It's slim and clean and pained, and it doesn't offer any easy answers, nor a conventional het romance. These are all good things in my... hey wait, we're back to those things again.
-- And speaking of more not-book things (although admittedly they're not velociraptors either, my bad), Steve Weddle has a great post over at Pattinase:
How I Came To Write This Story; one of the stories he references,
Missed Flight is heartbreakingly good. Although I totally want to read the Alex Jackson novel he talks about too, because a hero who throws up on bad guys? Whoa, that's a pretty interesting hero.
-- Due in large part to
little_tristan and her inspiring
book cover post (NSFW) I've started ass-embling a list of m/m romance books with buns on. Working title:
The Masses Like Asses. I'm up to six but would totally love suggestions.
-- Finally got hold of the current
oddlittlecat read, Jane Hamilton's
A Short History of a Prince. Good thing I read fast; the discussion's Sunday.
-- Another list I have started:
Dead Dogs in Books For No Damn Reason. Because it's been annoying me YOU ARE SHOCKED TO HEAR.
Now back to our regularly scheduled fish in a percolator...