FFic: Stepping Stones - Chapter 1, part 1

Dec 18, 2008 21:35

Stepping Stones

By The Odd Little Turtle Named Froggie

(Marvel owns the characters. I, sadly, do not. Not making a profit, but input is nice. Star Wars is used as a reference only and all characters, phrases of that particular fandom are trademarked by Lucas Films Ltd., et al.
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alternate reality, spider-man, colossus, kiotr, fanfiction

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Comments 6

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oddlittleturtle December 19 2008, 05:01:59 UTC
:) I'm glad you liked! This story is turning out to be more fun that I thought it would be. I'll try to get the next part up tomorrow night. I'm still working out some details with it.

The Adventures of Pete and Pete! LOL That was such a fun show! The mom with the metal plate in her head and tuning in stuff always made me laugh.

uh... I'm gonna sound totally stupid, but, um, what's SGC? For the life of me, I cannot think of what those initials mean. The Asgard joke was totally unintentional. The idea came to me from watching a UFO show saying that they had been abducted and experimented on. I thought it would be funny that the Grays were just looking for their lost ship and crew and have the X-Men help them out. And it be at Mount Cheyenne where Warpath nearly killed all the X-men in the 616verse (I forget what issue it was, but he was out for revenge for the death of his brother)


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oddlittleturtle December 20 2008, 02:42:06 UTC
sci-fi/comic nerds make the world go round :)

I've seen the movie, but it's been ages... I think I may have seen an episode or two, but that's been a while as well, and it was back when I was working three jobs so I had no time to get into the fandom--I had no time for anything, now that I think about it.
I'll check it out though. thanks for the links


db91939 December 19 2008, 19:10:35 UTC
ah, I love it!

This is seriously going to be so much fun.
I loved Peter's horror when he thought Kitty was in his apartment. That's amazing.

I like how they get fed up with each other, as roommates are want to do.

Now, is this taking place in like the 70's or 80's, or is it present day?


oddlittleturtle December 20 2008, 02:28:23 UTC
:) And it's so much fun to write! Thanks for reading.

Taking place in the 80s. I'm thinking either 81 or 82. 'Cuz if it were modern, they could just text and that would take out all the wind of waiting for a letter to arrive.

Oh! I haz plot now. :) But it requires writing a new prologue (currently under way) and moving everything down one. E.g. this would be chapter 2 instead of 1 and the previous "prologue" would be chapter 1. Complicated, yes, but. I haz plot!! :D
*and there was much rejoicing and dancing throughout the land*


darkstorm5000 December 20 2008, 03:24:43 UTC

Loved 'The Saga of the Green-Shoelace' that unfolded here, great stuff! Seeing Piotr and Gwen interact was a hoot, especially with Piotr trying his best to cover for Peter as nobly as he could, and then the two Petes' finally running into each other! I also like how you're building up the alternate backdrop to this story, with the little details being mentioned on other events taking place around them.


oddlittleturtle December 20 2008, 03:50:31 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed. This is turning out to be so much fun to write! :)


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