Title: The Heart of Life
Fandom: JAG
Characters: General + (Harm/Mac)
Prompt: #10 - Years
Word Count: 449
Rating: Teen
Info: Future fic, fluff/angst/life/love
A/N: What’s happening to me!? I’m writing fics based off of songs now. This one is different, and I’m not sure of it, but I had a lot of fun writing it, so that’s gotta count for something. Even if it sucks, at least I did something different.
It feels like the ending for a fic, which gives me the idea to write one, which would be strange, but not unheard of.
The song is obviously “The Heart of Life” by John Mayer, and can be found on his 2006 album, Continuum. (i.e. It’s not mine!)
And while we’re talking about things that aren’t mine, JAG still belongs to DPB.
Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good - John Mayer, “The Heart of Life”
Life shouldn’t have to hurt, she reasons, but there’s no accounting for the heart. As many times as it can be shattered, it always comes back together again, ever a glutton for punishment if only for the hope that things would somehow work out. At some times it seemed almost anti-climactic to even bother trying. Then came the day she went out on a limb and took a crazy chance. And found out that life when you’re really living is so worth it.
And eventually, for all sorts of things came a simple remedy in the form of a soft, lilting tune that seemed more like a lullaby, a gentle rhyme that reminded her of childhood and innocence and everything good.
He’d sung it to her in London, a few months after they’d married when it seemed that they must’ve waited too long for the chance to have their family. He had held her close, singing softly into her ear as she wept for what they’d lost. When she’d cried all the tears she had and fell into a fitful slumber, and he hugged her a little closer, knowing she trusted him with her life and the heart she’d been afraid to give away for so long.
When the doctor informed them that miracles could happen, and had, she heard it in her head periodically, during peaceful moments and worrisome ones. Through the quiet hours spent at home decorating a room full of whimsy and the dreams every little person has, and the afternoons spent together, laughing and picking out everything a child could want.
Five year old Tricia Rose heard it when she ran into the house, stray tears leaking from her eyes when she braved a skinned knee from bike-riding and Matthew Jacob heard it as an infant when he whimpered in the night, craving comfort and a warm body to snuggle into.
Snatches of past conversations, good and bad floated through her mind.
“The thing I want most... is to never lose you.”
“Because I’m in love with him.”
“Will you always be there?”
“Let’s talk about you and me.”
“We’re getting married.”
“I promise, somehow it’ll work out.”
“Congratulations! There’s going to be a little Rabb in about 7 months.”
“Do I need to explain THAT to you?”
“Harm! We’re not painting her room like an aircraft carrier!”
“You’re such a brave girl, sweetie.”
"How's daddy's little boy?"
“I love you.”
Yeah, the heart of life was definitely good.
the all-knowing table of everything JAG.