Title: Attack Entry Number: 05 Author: luna_moonsilver Rating: PG Genre: Fantasy/Sci Fi Word count: 1,310 A/N: Set in the time travel 'verse, directly after Missing.
It was nice to learn more about the Travellers and how their powers work. I can't believe someone was binded to a grandfather clock. XD I can't imagine that would be easy to travel with, haha.
And the evil powers make their presence known! I'd like to know what they're doing with the future that they don't want people meddling with it...
Comments 2
And the evil powers make their presence known! I'd like to know what they're doing with the future that they don't want people meddling with it...
And ohhh, lots of bad things. Though as Frankie said, the future is kind of flexible, so that could change :)
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