Title: Lights Out, Casey vs. The Family Tree or Jayne Meets the Parents, Chapter 37, Pt 2
Author: GoddessofBirth
Entry Number: 05
Word Count: 1186
Fandoms: Firefly/Chuck
Genre: Action/Drama/Angst/Smut/Fluff
Pairings: Rayne, Jellie, Charah, Branna
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Series Rating: M
Previous Chapters
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't profit
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Comments 3
Anyway, whoa, what an intense situation! That is definitely not someplace I'd like to be. I did appreciate that I got a very clear picture of Shaw as a villain - polite and dainty, which is interesting, and I think those qualities almost make any villain even more...evil.
And just as a note, you forgot the word count for this entry - nothing big - but just so you know, for the community total, I did take the word count down as 1186 words.
Glad you enjoyed it - Shaw is somewhat of a unique baddie, the All American Hero who went bad when he realized his government betrayed him. He went dark, quite thoroughly.
Oops! Sorry about the word count neglect. I did it; apparently just didn't remember to actually write it down. I edited to fix it:)
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