Title: Key of A Minor Entry Number: 01 Author: ienablu Fandom: Supernatural Rating: PG13 Genre: general Spoiler / Warnings: none / scarification Word Count: 1013
Wow, what a completely disturbing image. At the same time, I think you definitely captured the darker side of SPN. You completely caught me off guard by starting the story off with Claire coming back from a vampire hunt. I thought that perhaps exterminating the nest was so easy because there was something more to it! But instead the story took a much different turn. Keep up the good work for OWC!
Wow - this was definitely intense! I liked Jesse's determination to control himself by any means necessary, and I thought the ending of the entry was great - if Claire had sat down and tried to think about anything, or fuss of Jesse, it would have been ruined. They way she just walks off to take a shower makes it perfect.
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