Title: Intruder
Entry Number: 05
dtsguruFandom: original
Rating: PG-13 (for some language)
Genre: urban fantasy
Spoiler Warnings: none
Word Count: 1761
This is set in ‘The Family’ ‘verse. Self beta’d so all mistakes most definitely are mine.
Entry 05 )
Comments 6
Also, I'm very interested in April now too. So...just keep that in mind. Hint: more April! =D
As to Cass and Greg's marriage. Part of that is buried here and there. In the 'Ties That Bind': Joe-"But you knew the consequences of breaking your word. Every child of the Family is taught to guard their tongue until they can control their talents." Fairly common theme in magic/wizards/etc stories, the power our words, our promises have over us. I do plan to go more into their back story though.
I really like the interactions of the characters, and your lovely underlying humour. I hope I won't offend if I say your style is reminiscent of Charlaine Harris' in a way.
And I want more. More, more, more. You just give tid-bits, explain things and then give new secrets for us to ponder. Excellent.
Thanks for the kind comments.
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