Title: The Donette Story
Entry Number: 01
latemarch, Chelsea
Fandom: Original
Rating; This section is PG/PG-13
Genre: urban fantasy, comedy, romance
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 1873 (Wow...this is a long one.)
Notes: This is actually the story that I wrote for the Halloween-themed entry last year. I ended up making that entry the first chapter, and continuing the story for Nanowrimo. I'm about halfway through now, so I'm hoping that this NaNo, I can write the last 50,000 words or so and finish it up. Then a few months of line edits, and then, if I keep my fingers crossed, I can start sending it out to publishers.
If you'd like, here is the link to last year's Halloween Story, or in other words, the very beginning of this novel.
http://octoberwriting.livejournal.com/23272.html Le me know what you think!
Entry 01 - The Donette Story
“Well,” I stalled for a moment, shifting against the car and scanning the surrounding gold grasses. “I met this guy.”
She waited patiently for all of two seconds before badgering me to continue, which I hesitantly did. You just don’t know how hard it is to explain your disappearance concerning werewolves, sociopathic or otherwise, to your mother until you have to. “So I met this guy, this really nice guy, and I met his friends, his really nice friends… And now we’re… drivingacrossthecountryrunningfromagang.”
I spit out the last part, hoping that she wouldn’t understand me, and form her own conclusions. Maybe I hadn’t said ‘gang’ at all. Perhaps I was trying fango in Italy. Or hanging wind chimes in Wyoming. Or in Arkansas looking for a good Lemon Meringue. They all sounded vaguely alike.
But I had forgotten that my mother had an unfortunate propensity for understanding garbled words; I had never been able to get away with anything as a child. “You’re driving across the country with a man you just met? From a gang, no less?” Words could not describe the sound she emitted just then, and my ear came away from the cell phone blistered.
“Mom, I just-“
“Can’t you see that you’ll end up on Criminal Minds? What were you thinking Pamela? They’ll find your body in a ditch somewhere and then what will I do?” She was clearly watching too much television.
But attempting to reason with her was definitely not going to be allowed. “Mom, Criminal Minds isn’t real. It’s just a TV show. Morgan and Reid aren’t actually going to investigate my body while Garcia digs up dirt on me and Prentiss and Hotch interrogate a suspect!”
“I can’t believe you! This man is a stranger! Where are you? I called you on Saturday - nothing! How could you possibly let yourself get into this situation? Does he have tattoos? Are you on a motorcycle? Is it like Sons of Anarchy? I called you four times Sunday - nothing! Are you hurt? A gang Pamela! Where are you? Why won’t you answer your phone? I was just getting ready to file a police report! Where are you? I can’t believe you’re doing this! Get to the nearest airport and I’ll fly out and bring you back myself! Where are you Pamela?”
The utterly emphatic anger and fear and upset that came through the phone had my face in a permanent cringe. I should have known that somehow that she’d find something out and start to worry! God, I was such a terrible daughter!
“I don’t actually…know where I am, right now.” She started to imitate a banshee again, but I stopped her before I actually lost my hearing. “Mom. Mom. Mom, please! I’m really sorry but this all happened so fast and I didn’t have a chance to call you and-“
Two dark forms came at me over a faint ridge in the grass and I stopped short, squinting. They wove a pattern like a braid through the grass and I held my breath as they came closer. Which speed dial had Camlin mentioned?
“Pamela?” Mom was sounding worried again, as if she could sense my own apprehension.
“Hold on a moment Mom.” I squinted again, one hand clutching the cell phone, thumb hovering over the ‘End call’ key, the other hand pressed against my chest. The waving of the grass made it hard to get a clear grasp on the size of the shapes, wolves, coming towards me, and I crossed my fingers for good luck. My toes too.
Catching a flash of red in the fur of one, I relaxed a bit; that was Jaimie. And then suddenly they were close enough for me to see them clearly, and I sagged in relief against the car. There was Camlin; I could feel the electricity of his presence tingle against my skin, and feel something easing inside me as he came closer. I concentrated so hard on him that I imagined I could see his eyes clearly, even from so far away.
“I have to go now.” I told my mother, reluctantly and sadly. I didn’t want to let her go, but I also wasn’t ready for Camlin and my mother to interact. And I knew, without a doubt, that one would demand to talk to the other. It didn’t matter which one. It would just happen. “Mom, I have to go now because we’re gonna leave again in a few minutes, but I need you to go to the office and pick up my paycheck and my things because Mrs. Hannah fired me.”
“I’ll call you again when I have a number to give you, and I’m alright, I promise, and I’ll let you know where I am as soon I as know, and I’ll talk to you soon, and I love you, and you know that, right?” Camlin skidded to a stop right in front of me, claws digging deep grooves into the dust and dirt. He waited patiently for me to finish my phone call, tongue lolling out lazily as he panted, tail sweeping the dirt.
Mom paused for a moment, not hesitating to respond in kind - I knew she loved me too. But I could feel that she was just as reluctant for this phone call to end as I was. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
Even more reluctantly, I ended the call. “I do too Mom. I promise I’ll talk to you later, no doubt about it. But I gotta go. Love you.” And then after one long second, “Bye.”
Camlin shifted once I turned the phone off, and Jaimie followed suit. I reluctantly slapped a hand over my eyes - no sense ogling when nothing could come of it. The creaking of their bones made me grit my teeth, it sounded so painful, and I was relieved to finally hear them hastily pulling their clothing back on.
A warm hand gently uncovered my face, and I found myself mere inches away from Camlin. When we kissed his lips had a faintly dusty taste to them, which didn’t deter me, and I did, in fact, mildly enjoy. His hair was wildly rumpled, and seemed brighter in the sun, as if it had been infused with undertones of honey and gold. And his eyes, his face, had a sharper, feral satisfaction about them.
“Who were you talking to?” He asked, his shirt hanging from his fingertips. I manfully resisted the urge to stare at him, and inched a bit closer so that our skin might touch, my hand to his arm. He smiled, leaned against me and feigned ignorance of my actions. We both knew he’d heard every word, and Jaimie had too.
“My mom.” I told him, grimacing as Jaimie brushed a cloud of dirt out of his long hair. “I usually call her every Sunday night, but I forgot to yesterday.”
Camlin nodded, accepting. Then he made a face at me, highly suspicious. “Why couldn’t I talk to her?”
I winced, unwilling to tell him that I wasn’t ready for all this to truly, truly become real. So instead I offered, “You want to keep your hearing, right?” He joined the wince revolution, and I considered that question (temporarily) answered. “Oh, in other news, I’ve been fired.”
Camlin moved away momentarily to shrug his shirt on, simultaneously asking, “Why?” It was clearly an old shirt, worn out, the logo on the front faded to near oblivion, and the collar was stretched so large that it almost draped over one of his shoulders.
“How?’ Jaimie poked my arm in a gesture of camaraderie. “Is your boss psychic or something?” He too, had an air about him, as if to say, ‘running down that defenseless jackrabbit was entirely satisfying.’
Edging a bit closer to Camlin, I raised one eyebrow. “I phoned her to apologize for not calling in earlier. She then cut me off, called me lazy, and a skank, and then fired me.”
My wolf was plainly outraged at her accusations, and while Jamie gaped, I straightened the askew collar of Camlin’s shirt, and then placated them both with one last detail. “It’s alright. I told her she had two moths for eyebrows.” This was then followed by silence as a lone car sped down the highway, and then, to my intense relief, Jaimie burst out into uproarious laughter.
“Well at least there’s that.” Camlin commented, rather sarcastically, I thought. He brushed a hand through my hair, windblown and knotted as it was. “I’m just gonna brush my teeth and then we can go.” With a pat to my flank, he walked around to the other side of the car, while I thought of reasons why he had to brush his teeth, and of the kiss we had just shared. Ew.
I crossed my arms across my chest, shivering, while the men searched for things to primp with. The wind had gotten far stronger while they’d been off hunting, and I didn’t have a jacket on. I took a few steps closer to the tall grass, listening to the rustle of the stems and the brush of the wind.
Feeling a prickle on my spine, I turned to look at where Camlin and Jaimie were, but they were bickering good-naturedly about whether or not Camlin was allowed to use Jaimie’s toothbrush. I was happy that they seemed to have shaken off the tension in their muscles; now that I thought about it, Camlin had been progressively taut, on the edge of a knife, despite the way he teased and lounged in the back seat. For a moment I felt irrationally guilty for cooping him up back there, but then shook off that nonsense.
They grew quieter when they saw that I was staring, and I turned around abruptly. Narrowing my eyes, I looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Yet I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched; I was the ill-fated wild boar, and whoever was watching me was the lion. It was like a special on the Discovery Channel.
It was almost as if I could feel the eyes tracing the line of my legs, following the curve of my back, and watching as my hair tossed in the wind. Seriously spooked, I rubbed my hands together, warming the palms absently, and looking about though I knew what I would see. Nothing. I felt a sort of strange possession set upon me, an unwanted claimant, a voyeur. And I was increasingly uncomfortable.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” I asked quietly, taking a step back.
“Pam?” Suddenly, Camlin was at my side, a fleck of toothpaste on his lower lip that he quickly wiped away. “Are you alright? Is something the matter?”
Calmed that he was closer, I shook my head. Maybe I was imagining things. There probably wasn’t anyone out there anyway - I was just paranoid. And telling him would only rattle him up. I turned my back on the strange feeling purposefully and looked over at the car, where Jaimie was braiding his hair. “No, I’m fine. Let’s go.”
Then shooting a pleading glance at Camlin, I begged, “Please, please, please make Jaimie drive now.”
- - end entry 01 - -
So...funny? Not? Good? I just love Camlin and Jaimie so much! And all the others - Letholdus Bane, Myles, Arthur... you haven't even met them yet. Hoo boy. Just wait.