Title: Donettes Author: Chelsea, latemarch Fandom: None, original Genre: horror, humor, romance Word Count: 6472 Summary: All I wanted was to eat my donettes in peace, but then the werewolves attacked. Shit.
So, I think I told this to you earlier, but I think Camlin is my new favorite guy of yours. He just seems really cool. What is it with me, and your animal-men? Hm. I just noticed that. Anyway, I really like Pam too, because even though all these horrible things were happening to her, her internal voice was pretty comedic the entire time.
Every time you review one of my entries, you have a new fav man! *dramatic* The fox-man and the dragon shall be crushed! Tis devastation that they feel!
Werewolves! This was really nice, especiallyw with the way you slowly bring the werewolves into it. Also, liked Pam, have kinda been Pam, so she gets my sympathies. Camlin is... rawr! :)
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