Hey! Fill this out! Even if you've been my friend here for a while! I'm curious about all of you! This one is focused a lot on fandoms, but so am I. Most of my friends are that way was well. :) Please fill this little meme out in a comment so I can learn a little about you!
My answers are under here! )
Comments 81
Name: Em
Nickname(s): See above. I give it as my name because that's what everyone calls me. Nobody uses my full name anymore.
Age: 18
Location: England
Fannish Adventures
Main Fandoms: The X-Files, Californication
Other Fandoms: House, MillenniuM, True Blood
Former Fandoms: CSI; I refuse to watch the newer seasons. ER when George Clooney and Anthony Edwards were on it.
Ships: Mulder/Scully, Hank/Karen, House/Cuddy, Grissom/Sara
Characters: Fox Mulder, Hank Moody, Marcy Runkle, James Wilson, Frank Black, Sam Merlotte, Eric Northman, Gil Grissom, Jim Brass, Jack Bauer, Doug Ross, Mark Greene
More Than Just A Fangirl
Favorite Movie Of All Time: Casablanca, if I absolutely had to pick, but It's a Wonderful Life comes a very close second.
Five Favorite Bands: The Rolling Stones, Coldplay, The Temptations, Aerosmith, The Who.
Favorite Food(s): I eat loads of meat. Mmm, steak.
Favorite Book(s): Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks. 1984 by George Orwell. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
( ... )
I quit smoking! Hoorah!
This is SO frikkin awesome. Seriously, babe.
And thank you!! :D :D :D I still miss you. *HUGSSS*
Name: Anaïs
Nickname(s): None, except Anis for my family and English people who can't pronounce Anaïs right
Fannish Adventures
Main Fandoms:XF, BSG, Sanctuary, Stargate
Other Fandoms:House, CSI:NY, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Harry Potter, 30 Rock and more recently Dr Who
Former Fandoms:I don't really have former fandoms, I just continue to add more fandoms to the list, lol. However, I stopped watching a few series and they left me with a bitter taste of disappointment/betrayal: Alias, SGA and NCIS so I guess I could call them "former fandoms". Oh and Prison Break too.
Ships:Alright *takes deep breath* Mulder/Scully, Roslin/Adama, Helen/John, House/Cuddy, Parker/Jarod, Jenny/Gibbs, Mac/Stella, Harry/Hermione, Remus/Tonks, Chloe/Clark, Michael/Sara, Trinity/Neo, Ronon/Teyla, Jack/Irina (yes, I am some kind of compulsive shipper, why?)
Characters:Dana Scully, Laura Roslin, Helen Magnus, Sam Carter, Donna Noble, Miss Parker
More Than Just A Fangirl
Favorite Movie Of All Time:The Hours, The ( ... )
Name: Ashley
Nickname(s): Ash? I'm lame and have no nicknames.
Age: 23
Location: Georgia
Fannish Adventures
Main Fandoms: Sanctuary, Stargate SG1, Battlestar Galactica, The X-Files
Other Fandoms: 24, Angel, Alias, The Big Bang Theory, Bones, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Chuck, Dexter, Dollhouse, Firefly, House, How I Met Your Mother, Law and Order: SVU, Lost, Lie to Me, The Mentalist, Stargate Atlantis, Star Wars
Former Fandoms: Harry Potter (still like it, just not involved like I used to be)
Ships: Laura Roslin/Bill Adama (BSG), Athena/Helo (BSG), Saul/Ellen (BSG), Han/Leia (Star Wars), Neville/Luna (Harry Potter), Leo/Piper (Charmed), Cole/Phoebe (Charmed), Chuck/Sarah (Chuck), Xander/Anya (Buffy), Angel/Cordelia (Angel), Fred/Wesley (Angel), Vaughn/Sidney (Alias), Jack/Irina (Alias), Sawyer/Juliet (Lost), Mulder/Scully (X-Files), Booth/Bones (Bones), House/Cuddy (House), Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill (SG-1), Helen/John (Sanctuary)
Characters: Carter, Magnus, Vala, Scully, Mulder, Benson, Cuddy, Laura Roslin, ( ... )
You ARE special. I like you lots already!
Ohhhh you!! You like Meg Ryan movies too??? Eeeek. ROCKSTAR!
HOLY SHIYUT TOMORROW NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to DIE. Please tell me you'll be around somewhere so I can FREAK OUT to you.
PS: You ship Sam/Jack, yes? I am currently around episode 7x14 and WTF is up with this sudden OBVIOUS (more than usual) "omgiwannascrewyourbrainsout" tension? Building up to the fact that Sam is about to get a boyfriend? THEY ARE KILLING ME.
TODAY. It's 1AM in Georgia. :D I've got to do a lot of housecleaning during the day (a family reunion is taking place at my house Saturday), but I'll be on tomorrow night for Sanctuary!
Sam/Jack is my OTP. Ooooooh, I love it so much. The tension is MURDER. I can't wait until you get to Moebius. (S. 8 finale)
I hope to see you around somewhere! Have any messengers or anything? XD
Sam/Jack is seriously killing me HARD!! It hurrrrts. I've seen clips of Moebius cause I couldn't frakking wait any longer. I had no clue what was going on. LOL I WISH ONE OF THEM WOULD QUIT THE AIR FORCE AND MAKE OUT ALREADY!! *stares at your icon*
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