My Hero

Sep 23, 2012 23:04

I hadn't intended on stopping with the kink meme fills, but I've been busy working with my new writing partner on a few things, and that's just how it went. But anyway, I finally got around to doing another solo piece once I saw this new prompt for 90s Kid comforting someone. I just can't resist a good hurt comfort story, lol, especially when it ( Read more... )

fanfic, h/c, tgwtg, 90s kid, linkara

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Comments 9

lizynob September 24 2012, 12:22:51 UTC
Poor Linkara. *wibbles* I can so picture him being upset with himself that he couldn't just save the day like he thinks he should be able to all the time. I'd say he needs hugs, but 90s Kid covered that pretty well. *small smile*

“Dude, it happens more often than you’d think.”

Ouch. Well, that was a fast way to transition from burning anger to soul crushing guilt.

"Linkara, you’re totally awesome and… you’re always gonna be my hero, no matter what."

*sniffle* I...I'm not tearing up at not...

Okay, I need to talk about the happy stuff or else I'm gonna be an emotional mess too!

It sounds like the team had an awesome time! There needs to be fic of their adventures. Fic that better include Ninja-Style Dancer acting as Chorus Girl-Style Dancer. That's just too funny! XD As is Linksano getting into an argument and getting himself slightly electrocuted.

“If you wanna talk I’m always here. Literally, cuz I live here!”Oh 90s Kid. That one little line does so much to diffuse all the heavy angst that was in the ( ... )


ocelot_l September 25 2012, 01:26:42 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it all, since it was fun to come up with what happened to the team while they were touring, lol. I agree, there should be fic about what happened to them, so I'll file that idea away for further thought. :)

I tend to think of Linkara as having this huge hero complex where he wants to always save the day and protect everyone, no matter how impossible it is, and when he can't, he blames himself hard. But I also like to think his team is there to help bring him back to reality, by telling him how much good he does and even if he can't do it all, what he does manage to do is still more than enough.

I'm such a sucker for this emotional stuff, and I love the idea of 90s Kid looking up to Linkara, sort of as a big-brother figure and as someone he wants to be like, so when Linkara breaks down, 90s Kid feels his heart break a little and does what he can to help him.

Thanks again for the lovely comment! I'm glad I could tug your heartstrings in a good way! ^_^


pigquet September 25 2012, 01:40:48 UTC
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! *headdesks* This is one of the sweetest, saddest things I've read from you in a long time! I can't believe you actually put together a "Linkara recovering post-Critic sacrifice" fic! Gah! I totally would've prepared myself more if I had known that! You're gonna make me squee and cry until I lose my voice, you know that ( ... )


ocelot_l September 27 2012, 03:55:22 UTC
I first want to thank you so very greatly for this beautiful, heartfelt comment. I am truly happy that you felt so many emotions from my story and that it has left you feeling good about things regarding the Critic’s departure. I think you were quite coherent in this lovely comment and even though you were joking, I actually would have loved a comment even if it did say “AWWWW!” I am always touched when someone feels happy enough about one of my fics to comment on it at all, and you have given me very kind praise that has left me feeling quite good ever since I first read it. So thank you for letting me know how much you enjoyed this, Pigquet. <3 ( ... )


pigquet September 28 2012, 14:16:32 UTC
Okay, I'm really sorry to reply to the...reply, but I felt I needed to say something in response to that. XD ( ... )


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ocelot_l October 1 2012, 05:24:25 UTC
Oh, well I tried to warn that it was taking place right after TBF happened, so sorry if it surprised you.

I like those kinds of conversations too. I think nighttime settings are great for all sorts of intimate conversations and activities, so I thought it'd be the right time for Linkara to break down. He wanted to do it when he was alone, but you're never really alone in Linkara's base, lol. Yeah, I think he does have a hero complex and will always feel bad if he fails to save someone, but this time it's different, because Critic wanted to make the sacrifice, and he's not really gone, so Linkara shouldn't blame himself.

I'm glad you liked it! ^^ I love giving more focus to 90s Kid so everyone can see that he is a caring, loyal member of the team who does want to help Linkara when he needs him. He'll always be there to look up to Linkara and remind him how important he is to everyone.


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ocelot_l October 2 2012, 02:55:37 UTC
Oh right, I did forget to warn there. So sorry about that and I'm glad it didn't upset you or anything. ^^


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