
Jul 10, 2012 19:47

I finally wrote a kink meme fill again! I hope this means my inspiration won't dry up again, but you never really know with these things. So here's a short fill for a prompt submitted back when the Entity was defeated. It's sort of hurt/comfort for Linkara being affected by being the last person on Earth and the others dealing with his new habits. ( Read more... )

fanfic, h/c, harvey, tgwtg, 90s kid, linkara, ninja style dancer

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Comments 14

achika_chan July 11 2012, 00:03:05 UTC
D'aaaaaw, Harvey and everyone taking care of poor traumatized Linkara. Of course Linkara would be freaked out by what happened - he was the last person on EARTH and the thing that took everyone away was TOYING with him. That'd mess anyone up.


ocelot_l July 11 2012, 00:12:38 UTC
I love hurt/comfort fics a lot, so I gravitate toward prompts like this. I really think Linkara and 90s Kid should have been more messed up because of the Entity which required comfort and support from the team to help them recover.

I'm glad you liked it. I think Harvey is a good choice for comforting the others, and I just love his relationship with Linkara so much!


alien_snipe July 11 2012, 02:17:04 UTC
Poor baaaaabe. D= You wrote clingy traumatized Linkara so well here. And the ending was very sweet.


ocelot_l July 11 2012, 03:33:56 UTC
I know! I would feel so bad to ever see Linkara or any of his characters like this!

Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^


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ocelot_l July 11 2012, 05:56:01 UTC
I know, poor thing. He needs so many hugs!

Thanks so much! Glad you liked it! <3


lizynob July 11 2012, 14:05:41 UTC
I like post-Entity trauma fics. Poor Linkara. He's really messed up by what happened and there's no reason why he wouldn't be.

But he has a good team that cares about him and wants to help him even if it means being hugged/snuggled/nuzzled at random times. I also like the idea that none of them are even really upset or annoyed, just sort of uncomfortably blush and try to put Linkara's needs above their awkward feelings.


ocelot_l July 11 2012, 23:19:47 UTC
I like them too. Hurt/comfort is just so appealing to me, haha.

I really adore the dynamic between Linkara and his team. I believe they actually would try to help each other in situations like this even if it did make them uncomfortable. They all love each other enough to put up with a little nuzzling now and then!

I'm glad you enjoyed this! :)


ladydiskette July 11 2012, 17:20:04 UTC
Awwww this is...this is just full of loves. ^^


ocelot_l July 11 2012, 23:20:31 UTC
Aw, thank you! I love Linkara's team and how much they support and love each other! :)


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