Sins of the Father: Part 2

Apr 21, 2012 15:18

Title: Sins of the Father
Author: ocelot_l
Written for the TGWTG Big Bang
Summary: Fighting villains. Protecting the world. Gambling with fate. This has been Linkara’s life for as long as he can remember, and in all that time, he’s never questioned why he’s been dealt the role of hero. Now, it’s time for Linkara to learn the truth. 
The truth about why ( Read more... )

spoony, slash, magic gun, fanfic, pollo, harvey, tgwtg, 90s kid, insano, ninja style dancer, au, big bang, linksano, linkara, boffo

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Comments 3

lizynob April 25 2012, 23:23:22 UTC
Awwwwwww. Everyone came over to be there. Even Bear!

I love protective Harvey making sure Insano doesn’t try to pull anything sneaky. And I love fatherly Insano making a device so his son doesn’t have any bad dreams. The sweetness! Also laughed at the design. The mental image of Insano holding a pink bicycle helmet with wires on it is hilarious.


ocelot_l April 26 2012, 02:24:44 UTC
Yep! Everyone was so worried about Linkara, so they just had to come and make sure he was all right. Especially Bear.

Fatherly Insano and protective Harvey are my favorite modes for the characters, and I'm glad I got to include them in this story. I always picture Insano doting on his son and doing anything to make sure he's happy and comfortable. He made the helmet pink because it's his son's favorite color. I can also see SOI having tons of pink things and Spoony making cracks about that before Insano threatens to blow him up or something, lol.


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ocelot_l May 2 2012, 02:05:09 UTC
Yeah, Linkara feels so awful and blames himself, even though he shouldn't. The girl will do her best to help him believe this.

Haha, yeah, Bear is adorable!


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