[fic post] Counter Space

Apr 03, 2011 00:54

Title: Counter Space
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Humor/PWP
Pairings or Characters: Sam/Ed Jr.
Warnings: lol hatesex
Word Count: 431
Summary: "Stop running that mouth of yours and fuck me already."
Author Notes: So these two have taken over my brain. Mostly with thoughts of them having sex roughly all over things. I have no complaints, though.

Counter Space )

tron legacy, rating -- [nc-17], !fic, pairing -- sam/ed

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Comments 9

aeon_entwined April 3 2011, 09:26:41 UTC
You had better crosspost.

Just y'know. Because.

And it exists now.

God I love this. x3


oceansex April 5 2011, 20:41:15 UTC
I think posting is member locked on ed_sam because there's no option for me to post :C

but I'm glad you like it XD


aeon_entwined April 5 2011, 22:51:06 UTC
guess who herped a derp and didn't alter the settings correctly?


it's fixed now ._.


camellie April 3 2011, 10:47:12 UTC
Oh God... I don't even... my panties are on fire and it's your fault!

Love the chemistry, the banter, and of course, the sex. Hot damn.


oceansex April 5 2011, 20:41:22 UTC
thank you! :')


kateison April 3 2011, 13:03:04 UTC
huuhuuuu this is excellent. The snark is perfect ;^;


oceansex April 5 2011, 20:41:45 UTC
hehehe glad you think so~ x)


mochisquish April 6 2011, 15:49:18 UTC
This is teasing but it hurts so good. Love how you wrote these two.


oceansex April 8 2011, 08:01:59 UTC
thank you! C:


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