[fic post] Appendages

Jan 13, 2011 23:38

Title: Appendages
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor/Romance
Pairings or Characters: Dean/Cas
Warnings: wing!kink?
Word Count: 1607
Summary: Dean wakes up with wings. Dean is confused.
Author Notes: Inspired by this gif from tumblr. I STILL CAN'T WRITE WING!PORN. Maybe someday.


"What the hell are these?!" Dean shouted, bursting out of the bathroom only to get stuck in the doorway with his newly discovered appendages.

"They are your grace," Cas answered patiently. He wouldn't look at Dean, focusing his gaze on his shoes instead as his wings shuddered and shook in agitation.

"Dude. I'm not an angel. Why do I have grace coming out of me?"

Dean grunted, grabbing handfuls of feathers and pulling the edges of his wings tighter into his body to help fit through the door and finally get out of the bathroom. He stumbled forward, finally squeezing through, and gave Cas a dirty look before feeling up his wings. He pulled at feathers and pinched at flesh and it actually hurt. This wasn't an alcohol-induced hallucination or a weird-ass angel dream, this was actually happening.

Seriously. What the fuck was his life.

"Cas?" he asked, realizing that the angel hadn't answered him.

"It is likely a... side effect," Cas said slowly, moving his eyes to stare at a phone book left on the hotel room table. His wings bristled and fluttered a little more strongly than they had been before.

"A side effect of what?"

"Of being the Michael Sword, and..."

"Cas, just give it to me straight, goddamnit. I was the Michael Sword my whole life, apparently, but I never had these," Dean grimaced, his white wings puffing up and nearly swatting him in the face before he glared at them and they quickly pulled behind his back.

"And having intercourse with an angel."

Dean froze, the wings on his back going rigid to match. Cas was still staring at the phone book, looking perfectly calm, but his wings were fluttering widely, showing his embarrassment. Cas's wings had only become visible recently -- he still hadn't explained why, but Dean feared the reason was about to be revealed -- and Dean appreciated the insight they gave into Cas's emotional state, because the whole "blank angel face" thing had gotten old two years ago.

"But. These are new. And we've been, uh. Y'know. For a while."

Dean normally wasn't embarrassed talking about sex -- unless it was with Sam, which was all kinds of gross and awful -- but Cas was an angel. As much as he hated most of those feathery dicks, for some reason, he still behaved like he was in church when talking to Cas.

Well, only for certain subjects. Like blow jobs.

Cas's eyes drifted up to one of the lights on the ceiling, the black feathers behind him rustling nervously, as he started to explain, "Before, you only swallowed--"

"Woah, woah, woah. Christ, Cas. Don't ever say swallowed again. Ever," Dean interrupted, bringing a hand up to his face to rub at his temple. Dean's wings -- holy crap was it weird thinking about having his own wings -- clenched at the joints as the feathers twitched awkwardly, making him look like an angry, white Christmas tree from behind. Cas could be startlingly awkward despite all that time he spent with people, but Dean was starting to grow afraid that he was actually going to be mortified to death soon.

"You only... took in," Cas tried again, now staring at the ceiling fan like it was the most interesting thing on the planet, "enough of my grace to see my wings. It was not enough to be adapted by your body and manifested in physical form. But by having... proper intercourse, you have now done just that."

"So. By letting you bone me last night, I've, what, become some freakish angel-human hybrid thing?"

"No," Cas frowned, still staring at the ceiling fan, "You have been gifted with grace, but you are still human."

"Does this only happen with dude angels? 'Cause none of this crazy, feathery crap happened when Anna and me--" Dean started before catching himself. Just as he gave himself a mental face slap for being an idiot, one of his wings opened wide and smacked at him for emphasis. "Dude, what the hell," he grumbled at it, swatting it away.

But Cas's eyes were on him now, an angry, dangerous blue, and Dean's wings settled down as he started to feel nervous.

"Anna had fallen. She had no grace to give you. And even if she had, it is only because you are the Michael Sword that your body has accepted the grace. If I had been in a female vessel and the grace had no semen to travel through, the grace would have entered your body another way," Cas answered stiffly. His wings had calmed down, and were now a steady, black mass behind him.

Dean sighed.

"First, semen is another word you don't get to say. Ever. Second, uh, sorry about bringing Anna up. I guess that was kinda..."

"Tactless? Thoughtless? Rude? Idiotic?" Cas offered.

"I get it, I get it," Dean glared. His wings waved around, feathers brushing against his skin, and this was so weird and he already had enough weirdness in his life without being full of Cas's grace. "Fuck, can't you just get rid of these? They're annoying."

"Dean, it is an unseen privilege for a human to be given grace," Cas warned, a dangerous, angry edge to his voice.

"Well, excuse my lack of enthusiasm in having to work eight thousand muscles I wasn't born with," Dean barked back, "I didn't ask for these stupid wings, Cas, I didn't ask--"

Cas stepped forward and reached out with his wings, black feathers sliding against white and shutting Dean up immediately. His eyes slammed shut and his knees nearly gave out as he grabbed for Cas's trench coat to keep from falling over. Something was flowing between them, out of Cas and into Dean, driving him wild and making his wings spread out their full length, slamming against the walls and ceiling as they spasmed. It was blinding and it was raw and it was beautiful, even if all he could see was a dull blue glow on the backs of his eyelids.

"I know you did not ask for anything, Dean," Cas sighed, holding onto Dean's arms as his wings pulled back. The sensation stopped the moment their wings separated, but the blue glow took a few moments to disappear. "But you have always been gifted a great many things you never asked for."

"W-What the hell was that?" Dean breathed, still weak-kneed and shaking, hands buried in Cas's coat. His wings slowly contracted, settling against his back.

"A melding of your grace and mine. Your wings should be calmer now. Why, was it uncomfortable?"

"No, no, just... intense," Dean mumbled. He glanced at his wings and, just as Cas said, they seemed more willing to listen to him rather than acting out whatever was in his head at the moment. He looked back at Cas and let out a quiet laugh. "So, what, are we angel married now?"

Cas tilted his head, curious, and Dean could have kissed him right then.

"I do not know of any angel marriage ceremony, but if that is how you would like to think of it, I am not opposed."

Dean laughed, loud and honest, and finally dropped his hands from Cas's trench coat. Cas let go of Dean's arms as they reached up to grab his shoulders.

"If I tell Sam you're my angel husband instead of my angel boyfriend now, he might just have a stroke."

Cas didn't find that as funny as Dean did, but Dean rolled his eyes and tugged him forward anyway. Cas didn't understand humor, but he knew how to kiss just fine. His lips slid open as Dean pressed forward with his tongue, encouraging noises slipping out of his mouth as he reached up to dig a hand into Dean's hair. Dean smiled against Cas's mouth as Cas moved his tongue against Dean's, determined and slow.

Dean pulled away, though he left his hands on Cas's hips where they'd found themselves while they were kissing. Cas gave him an impatient look and his black wings rustled wildly, which made Dean want to smile wider, but he had an important question on his mind.

"I can't get rid of these, can I?"

Cas looked away and shook his head.

"If I had paid more attention," Cas sighed, eyebrows narrowing as the anger in his voice grew, "If I had remembered the risks, I would have advised against this relationship. But no, now that they have manifested, they are permanent. I am sorry, Dean."

"Man, don't apologize. Cas, I'm not mad, it's fine. It's just... kinda weird. But cool, I guess. I can rub it in Sam's face, too," Dean smiled, squeezing Cas's hips with his fingers. His wings wrapped around them carefully, brushing up against the black feathers of Cas's own, and though there was no sensation like the last time, it still felt almost electric. Cas was looking back at him now and shaking his head again.

"Your grace is only visible to angels, Dean, as is mine."

Dean frowned for a second, but shrugged.

"Eh. Just one more thing I get to brag about."

Cas's eyes unconsciously flicked down to Dean's lips and he smirked.

"So, now that we're angel married and everything, does that make this our angel wedding night?"

"It is ten in the morning, Dean," Cas pointed out, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Whatever, dude. That just means the night is young," Dean grinned, pulling him towards the bed until the both of them fell back on the sheets in a mess of white and black feathers and slow kisses.

*wing!verse, pairing -- dean/castiel, rating -- [pg-13], !fic, supernatural

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