❝my silence is my self-defense❞

Apr 13, 2010 10:45

ganked from ivy_chan. doing Naruto, because I miss those 50-word drabbles I used to do. all of these, with maybe two exceptions, turned out really dark and angsty. D: NARUTO, STOP BEING SO DEPRESSING. also, these contain spoilers for recent events. :3

1. Write down the names of 10 characters ( Read more... )

meme, !drabbles, naruto

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Comments 31

rosalui April 13 2010, 17:15:41 UTC
He looks through his brother's eyes and sees nothing new, only pain and need for vengeance.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm afraid of. ;__;


oceansex April 13 2010, 18:13:15 UTC
everyone just knows it's going to happen. D:


redbrunja April 13 2010, 17:19:41 UTC
These were fun to read - I particularly liked the one with Tsunade - but I don't get 'Dark.'


oceansex April 13 2010, 18:16:37 UTC
Sakura's trying to commit suicide by taking meds and drowning herself in the bathtub, but Konohamaru finds her. In my personal fanon, Sakura would never resort to suicide, no matter how depressed she gets. But with what Kishimoto has done to her in actual canon (turning her into a whimpering, blubbering baby and all that jazz), it doesn't sound as farfetched. ~_~


redbrunja April 15 2010, 06:49:31 UTC
One of the many reasons I'm so glad I stopped reading when I did.


oceansex April 15 2010, 07:13:03 UTC
you are a wiser, less-masochistic person than I.


fat April 13 2010, 17:40:58 UTC
brb sobbing over dark and deathfic

i love them all, especially the giant robots


oceansex April 13 2010, 18:17:26 UTC

dude. NARUTO/Giant Robots = my new OTP.


didgeridoodle April 13 2010, 18:48:00 UTC
Naruto isn't quite sure why this is happening, but he's not about to complain.

Oh, the mental images. ♥

These may be one liners, but they sure tell a lot of things!

Can I borrow this meme, if it's all right? It looks like fun to do. And a perfect cure for writer's block hnnngh.


didgeridoodle April 13 2010, 18:50:56 UTC
I'll totally credit you for it, by the way. c:


oceansex April 13 2010, 21:53:08 UTC
These may be one liners, but they sure tell a lot of things!

that's the challenge, and the fun! :) feel free to gank, and you don't need to credit me. I didn't come up with the meme, I just filled it out~ XD


peekaydee April 13 2010, 20:27:21 UTC
gai can go into any series and make it fucking epic

ANYWAY revery these are so epic. i wibbled a little at the kiba/tsunade one; the day Akamaru dies is the day i fucking bawl my eyes out. literally.


oceansex April 13 2010, 21:54:03 UTC
either epic or HORRIFYING depending on your point of view lolol /hides from Gai >____>

if Kishimoto ever kills Akamaru in canon, I am sending death threats. DEATH THREATS I WILL FOLLOW THROUGH ON. >8|||||||


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