[fic post] What Happens on Off Days

Jan 07, 2010 04:06

Title: What Happens on Off Days
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor
Pairings or Characters: Sam, Dean/Castiel
Warnings: none
Word Count: 886
Summary: Sam is bewildered, Dean is distressed, and Cas is to blame.
Author Notes: For smileydoll. I know Dean/Cas isn't your favorite, and I probably won't be able to persuade you over to the dark side (even with cookies), but I ( Read more... )

pairing -- dean/castiel, !fic, supernatural, rating -- [pg], gift

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Comments 25

mulder200 January 7 2010, 14:33:00 UTC
LOL! I love Sam getting the last laugh.


oceansex January 15 2010, 00:08:51 UTC
Sam gets the short end of the stick fairly often, so he deserves a break (in this case, meaning a chance to embarrass his brother) XD


harper47 January 7 2010, 14:45:07 UTC
Absolutely adorable. Loved this. Hee!


oceansex January 15 2010, 00:09:10 UTC
thank you! ^_^


aescu January 7 2010, 15:13:24 UTC
Sammy is mean ;D


oceansex January 15 2010, 00:09:54 UTC
haha, yes he is. but you can't say Dean doesn't deserve it, so


marynyu January 7 2010, 16:38:50 UTC
LOOL!!!! Oh dear, this was priceless. Go Sammy!!


oceansex January 15 2010, 00:10:20 UTC
thank you! 8D


spacefragments January 7 2010, 18:18:10 UTC
AHAHAHA. sam took it remarkably well. ;D


oceansex January 15 2010, 00:11:18 UTC
I'd think by now, he's seen far too much weird stuff to be bothered that his brother is getting it on with an angel. x3


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