[fic post] Try As I Might

Feb 27, 2009 12:04

At work again. Boss isn't in. No work to do. What does this mean? More fanfiction! And look at that, two in one day! I'm a machine, lol. This is for this week's theme "seeing red" at naruto_contest.

Title: Try As I Might
Rating: PG-13
Genre: General
Pairings or Characters: Sakura, mentions of Naruto and Pain
Warnings: blood and death, semi-spoilers for chapter ( Read more... )

rating -- [pg-13], !fic, contest entry, naruto

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Comments 9

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oceansex February 27 2009, 22:36:25 UTC
thank you very much! poor sakura's getting no screen time, but I like to think she's keeping very busy.


kalliel February 28 2009, 03:05:13 UTC
I love the clipped, stark style to this. Everything is laid out as Sakura sees it, without time or energy to spare on impressions, or reactions. The way you started this was captivating, and it held that tense, rigid energy through to the end. So much respect for the medic nin in this series--I like the ideas you touched on, especially as regards having to let the 'merely injured' bear their pain, because there are so many more that are dying. And greater still, Sakura having to deal with the reality of that--she cannot save everyone. She cannot even comfort anyone. And this applies to Naruto, too, especially in his kyuubi form. Sakura is forced to recognize her limitations, but she'll be damned if she is distracted by those. So instead she concentrates on the work set before her.

This was excellent.


oceansex February 28 2009, 10:42:59 UTC
thank you so much for your comment! it made my day. <3

sounds like you got everything I was hoping to convey, particularly that this is how sakura is seeing things, and there is no time for her caring bedside manner or those with non-fatal wounds or even her own fears and pain. all there is for her is her work as a medic nin, and that is not enough to save her village. and I'm very glad that the style worked. I liked my opening but wasn't sure if the rest flowed as well after it, so I'm happy to hear you think so.


shattered_jouka March 2 2009, 21:54:55 UTC
whoa, that was chilling. very well written, and i can feel the emotion and the coldness that sakura has to cover her heart with to complete her duties as a medic-nin. good job.


oceansex March 2 2009, 22:07:18 UTC
thank you! the idea I have of sakura in my head is a very emotional, caring individual, so to have to ignore those in pain because she has no other choice I think would definitely tear her apart.


shattered_jouka March 3 2009, 17:12:21 UTC
no problem, and trust me you conveyed her feelings well. i don't really like sakura as a character at all, but you humanized her enough so i don't completely hate her anymore lol which is why i voted for your story n-n


oceansex March 4 2009, 21:05:14 UTC
wow, I've never been told I got someone to like a character they didn't before. thank you! @_@ I'm very happy I was able to do that! and thank you again for voting for me. XD the other entries are really amazing, but even getting just one vote makes my day. <3


anat_astarte February 10 2010, 03:21:01 UTC
Wow, this is fantastic!!


oceansex February 10 2010, 03:52:19 UTC
thank you! :)


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