H50 and other things

Oct 03, 2013 00:58

Remember last time I showed my face around these parts? (okay, you probably don't ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

wishfulaces October 3 2013, 02:46:33 UTC
I let my paid account expire a year ago, and...I haven't really missed the tons of extra userpics? Then again, I also have been pretty scarce around these parts. :)


oceana_ October 3 2013, 07:01:11 UTC
That's what I'm thinking. The few times I am around, I guess I can live with six icons. Yep, it's kind of quiet these days. Is everyone on dreamwidth?


mabiana October 3 2013, 19:38:21 UTC
Dreamwidth seems similarly quiet to me. I have the impression people are on Twitter and on Tumblr, but that's not really a replacement.


oceana_ October 5 2013, 17:58:00 UTC
I have a tumblr account, but mostly to have easy and regular access to pictures of Scott Caan in various states of undress. I don't use it as such. And as long as my thoughts refuse to sort themselves into easily digestible tidbits of 140 characters, I won't ever be on twitter. Which is to say, never. ;-)

But yes, fandom seems to have migrated somewhat. Or maybe I'm just not in the "cool" fandoms anymore, and somewhere else there's a party that I wasn't invited to?


goodbyemyfancy October 4 2013, 12:36:57 UTC
I have been away from LJ since May but it was an intentional break. And now I am back again and checking up on everyone :) I still have a paid account but largely because I forgot I had set up an auto renewal! LOL!


oceana_ October 5 2013, 18:02:52 UTC
Haha, I just caved in and got two more month of paid time. Who knows, maybe I'll visit more regularly now? I really miss this place (when I'm not to busy with real life...)

How have you been? :-)


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