
Apr 17, 2011 15:52

Player Information:



Method of Contact:
[aim] pwner of pansies
[E-mail] Saikobiri[at]gmail[dot]com
Previous characters:
Tweedle Dee / thebluebrat

Character Information:

Full Name:
Viper / 'Mammon"

Canon point:

Inheritance Ceremony Arc
1 as an Infant, Unknown as an adult.
Appearance upon arrival:
Mammon will still be in his baby form.

Character History:
Located here.

Bringing someone along?:

Yes, Fantasma.
Considering the history is simply a link, I'll just expand on it here. Every Arcobaleno has their 'familiar' of a sort. Why? No real explained reason it just looks better for them all to match in that way one can assume. The good thing about the pets is the fact they seem to be useful, take Reborn's Leon for example and it's shapeshifting abilities. Fantasma is no less useful. The small black frog tends to be asleep most of the time but when it is awake it is usually during battle. Fantasma can also change shape, metamorphosing into a salamander which bites it's own tail and hovers above Mammon's head much like a halo. This in itself is a representation of a Ouroboros, an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. Sure enough the Ouroboros is a living representation of Mammon's strange beliefs concerning life and death. The Ouroboros represents the idea of constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, and other things perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end. Rebirth.

Beyond the symbolic of it all, Fantasma is Mammon's little pet and he does have expected attachment to the little evil looking frog. The frog itself tends to get angry easy when woken up and will even huff out smoke from it's nose to show it.

Viper is very much an unreadable book at first glance, his expressions are almost constantly stoic and it doesn’t help that he wears his hood to obscure his eyes and hair. To every detail of his clothing he attempts to live the stereotypical way of a ‘mysterious’ person of dark arts. He could be considered the little wizard of the Varia mafia group- seeing as his powers are entwined with illusions. Apart from the empty porcelain mask he wears, Viper despises childish behavior and despite how he looks does not exhibit his ‘forced’ age in the least (however naps do happen, he can't avoid them). He is mature and more concerned with his obsession of avarice and magic than to deal with childish endeavors. Despite the empty mask he tries to wear-Viper is not immune to expression and feelings, they can be dug up if he is bothered enough or thrown off his groove-but it doesn’t take too long for him to recover his mask.

But what it boils down to, everyone is simply treated as associates, and Viper never lets anyone into his inner most circle of trust. This is spawned from his personal religion, you’re born, you live, you die, and then you're reborn, you live the same way, you die again, you're reborn . . . in the end, one might even say, it doesn't even matter. You will live as you did before. And no one, or almost no one, will remember. There's no way to escape and no way to advance because of the impermanence of life and memory. To try and change your life by relying on and bonding with others is foolish, because in the next life, they won't remember. If you die a great man, society won't recognize you when you're reborn, and so it's as if you accomplished nothing at all; you're back to square one, living the same life with what you were originally given, nothing.

So accomplishment means nothing. Friendship means nothing. Pride means nothing. You lose it all when you die. But material gain . . . there's something there. Everything is business to him and his one single goal in life is to get money. It is the only thing in his life he feels is truly tangible with his strange religion of rebirth. If you die, money will still be there if you were smart enough to invest it. It will still have your name on it.

Being a magic inclined physic as it were, Mammon is also terrified of death, but not in the same sense of - when you die you go to hell or you go to be judged before God, no, those two factors don’t exist in his form of religion, he is simply afraid of pain and the feeling of dying. He doesn’t fear Death in itself, but the painful process. Which also adds to the fact he tends to avoid any physical contact from others unless he himself deems it, ala Belphegor’s head or a certain departed Mosca’s shoulder or hands. Everyone is his chair, get used to it.

Another aspect of his personality worth noting is Mammon has no real strong sense of loyalty. Back in the battle over the rings, after his loss he was forced into an ‘enchanted’ cage to keep him from escaping. The only real way to buy Mammon's temporary loyalty is in the form of money, it is his weakness and all that makes him happy. Like his new name he was given within the Varia he lives up to being the representation of greed it self. Even the sound of jingling coins is enough to perk his spirits right up. His loyalty is constantly wavering, if you can pay him his interest in you goes to zero-- his his life is threatened that too can break any bound 'contracts' he might have with a person he happens to be working for. Rewind slightly and we’re told the other Arcobaleno have always thought he was dead in action and Viper’s dislike for his colleagues within the curse is apparent. He wishes not to embrace what he was given. In fact one could say if given the chance he would have refused to take the curse for power and would find his own means (not that he would be capable).

Character Abilities


Well it's his job-- always has been being the dark little occultist he is. He is the elite within the Arcobaleno when it comes to Illusions- he can bend the mind-- he can harness all the senses touch, taste, smell, and sight, and sound-- he can make alternate realities and he can kill someone with these illusions-- because as soon as a person's mind succumbs to the fear--the pain and the illusion becomes real in a sense. Generally causing the victim to have a heart attack as her or his body goes into a lock down mode.
This goes under Illusions as he tends to use the little toilet paper like roll attached to his belt-- using the strips of paper to meld them into looking like tentacles that add to the reality by using something physical to become something else. Doing such illusions actually take less energy as he has a bit of reality-- (via touch)when using something and masking it as something else.
Attached to Illusions in general, Mammon enjoys making many hims to deter an enemy from finding him- if a person has a heightened sense however they should be able to pick out his power from the fakes easily enough. The fakes are also usually only made harnessing control of sight and sound and are harmless.
It was seen he could also fly before he was turned into an Arcobaleno and while as the cursed baby form. I really don’t’ know how he does but- well it’s obvious he can some how.
This one is a little iffy as it's never explained- but briefly seen, Viper appears floating in the air before one of his team mates to deliver a message before vanishing right from the spot-- this COULD just be a simple communication illusion or he could be really teleporting. Either way it's his consciousness that is traveling be it physically or not. In battle he tends to do this a lot as well.
'Sticky picture'
Now this is a odd ability Viper has, basically he takes a bit of paper from that toilet paper holder on his belt and spits/sneezes into it--while thinking of someone he's trying to locate-- the result will depict a map pin pointing that person's current position. Gross-very.
Mammon has a nifty little knack of being able to make himself look like any person (so long as he knows what they look like) he can mimic much- looks and voice perfectly-however- if he can get the personality down is another matter. He’d have to study them.
His psychic Abilities also include, telepathy and dowsing things through photographs, so that he could find things and people.

The Mist uniform he wears, the cursed pacifier around his neck, a roll of paper under his little cloak and of course his Fantasma. He probably also has a few gold coins in his pocket considering he's a greedy little bastard.

Action/Communication thread/post sample:

[ x ]


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