Nov 02, 2010 11:07

....aka, I don't want to hear any bitching about the results if you didn't.

*this public service announcement has been approved by Flapjacks
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vote dammit, rl

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Comments 10

60schic November 2 2010, 20:21:04 UTC
LOL - tell Flapjacks I voted.


oc_gambit2 November 2 2010, 22:12:41 UTC
*hee* He twitched his nose!

That's one noble rabbit profile, eh? Beats the looks of a lot of those officially running, IMHO....


nightrider101 November 2 2010, 22:23:34 UTC
I voted!


oc_gambit2 November 2 2010, 22:39:27 UTC
*nods* Flapjacks approves. He says he'll remember you with mercy when he and the other bunnies rule the world.

*why can I only think of Monty Python and the killer rabbit right now?*


oc_gambit2 November 3 2010, 01:12:27 UTC
P.S. I *LOVE* that icon....and proud to be a friend.

*which bridge tonight?*


nightrider101 November 3 2010, 01:37:13 UTC
Hee! Glad you like it! It's one of my favorites.

Pick a bridge! Any bridge. :D I'm there. ;)


beachtree November 3 2010, 01:16:19 UTC
I approve, Flapjacks. Please, tell me why you weren't on the ballot here? I live in a land of idiots. The early results are proof!


oc_gambit2 November 3 2010, 17:36:31 UTC
Yeah, it's tough for those who don't speak English to get on the ballot. But like Ryan, Flapjacks is the strong, silent, intelligent type in any language....

'Land of idiots'? ITA. Except one teeny tiny fire board race in a little town in the mountains [for a change]. It could have been better, but at least they didn't go backwards. There were some truly frightening choices on that slate, and IMH experience, too many idiots in that town. Exactly how many? Usually, just enough to swing elections.

It does feel good that my concerns this year are more for the community in general than our main livelihood....


beachtree November 4 2010, 01:12:12 UTC
I would totally vote for Flapjacks!

At least Jerry Brown won in CA. There were some New England states I was waiting to hear about from friends and family that were at least mixed, or held- phew. Other places? Scary!

When I say the "land of idiots" here in FL/SoFL, I mean it. For Congress, there's now a militant who wouldn't be believable on a sit-com because he's too bizarre mixed with scary and someone who I described to zbyszko as "Oliver Twisted 20 years later." Even the hair's the same! The governor's race wasn't called until lunch or so today with a 1% margin. The winner? A criminal who spent $73 million of his money to buy his way in. How did he earn it? Well, among other things, he was CEO of Columbia Health when it was the largest defrauder of Medicare and other government programs in history (so it could profit and he could get bonuses). The company paid over a $billion in fines and he got richer. Yay, us!

No steps backwards is a good thing!


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